Fracking Zombies Part 1

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Tappan Zee Bridge
3rd Person POV

The new Operation Bite Mark was making their way across Tappan Zee Bridge, plowing over Z's as they went. Warren was leading the group in the military truck they'd acquired at the school Hammond lost his life at, followed by Mack and Addy in a van they'd found along the way, the beloved black pickup picking up the rear with everyone else. Alrrami and 10k were standing in the bed, holding on to the racks on the roof for dear life.

"Whatever you do, don't stop." Garnett warned Warren from the passenger's seat, one hand on the dash and the other one holding the side of the door, bracing himself.

"Haha, you think?"  Warren grinned, hitting another Z.

"Go around!" Warren chuckled at Garnett's panicked request before stepping on the gas.

"Too late!" She laughed, plowing through more of the undead. Finally, they reached the end of the bridge. Alrrami and 10k sat in the bed and relished in the fact that they were still alive, Garnett let his body relax from the tension of that whole ordeal.

"Nice driving." Garnett complimented, Warren simply responding with a chuckle. Eventually, the group was making their way through a patch of woods, when Warren's new favorite vehicle started to stutter.

"Oh no, no no, no!" Warren exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel as if that would fix the current issue.

"What?" Garnett asked worriedly.

"Oh, we're outta gas." Roberta explained with a sigh, pulling over, everyone else following suit. Warren and Garnett climbed out of the truck, Roberta noticing smoke coming from the front driver's tire of the pickup Doc was driving. As she started making her way over, Addy laughed slightly.

"Well, that was fun." Warren grinned and nodded, fist-bumping the redhead.

"Outta gas." Warren filled the woman in.

"Running on fumes." She replied, watching Warren walk over to Doc, who had just exited the truck. Mack and Addy climbed out of their van and joined the group.

"Well, that doesn't look good." Alrrami noted, jumping out of the bed of the truck and standing between Doc and Warren.

"Alright," Warren started, eying the tire, "so, it looks like you got a flat." Doc nodded, and proceeded to grab the tools necessary to fix the problem.

"Head's up," Mack's voice warned, "we got company." Everybody's heads turned to the direction they had just come from and noticed two motorcycles heading their way, deliberately slowing down once they got close.

Alrrami noticed Cassandra turning her back to the bikers slightly, but quickly turned her attention back to the threat, deciding that was currently more important.

"That's right, keep rolling and we all live to see another day." Warren threatened under her breath, ensuring it was still loud enough for the bikers to hear. As if responding to this threat, the bikers sped off- one of them popping a wheelie that no one was impressed by.

"Alright, let's do this quick." Warren nodded to Doc as they both knelt down to inspect the tire. "It doesn't look flat, but it won't turn." Warren grunted, struggling to turn the tire.

"Well, we did run over some fun stuff back there." Alrrami pointed out with a grin. Warren nodded and looked up at Doc.

"Alright Doc, help me get this thing off so we can see what's going on." The group watched as the two made quick work of removing the tire. As the part was removed, various sounds of disgust rang out from the team as a mutilated zombie was revealed to be wrapped around the tire's axle, still alive as it's groans and growls were clearly audible.

The Snipers of the ApocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora