Misadvesntures Part 5- "We Need a Break"

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It's only been a few hours since the whole 'Sisters of Mercy' ordeal. We still had at least six hours of daylight, and a thought came to me while Tommy changed the gauze on my hand.

"We need a break." I spoke up, breaking the silence that had fallen over us the whole time we were on the road. Quietness hovered in the air once again, before the sound of Warren shifting slightly in her seat replaced it.

"Yeah, we do." She agreed.

"I think I saw a river a few miles back?" Cassandra suggested, causing all of us- including Murphy- to perk up.

"That's a good idea. Maybe we can get some laundry in, too." Doc agreed as he turned the truck around, sniffing his shirt and making a disgusted face.

"Wait, I think I know where we are." I eyed my surroundings carefully.

"Yeah, Colorado. Obviously. We passed the sign like an hour ago." Murphy muttered.

"No, I mean exactly. We're in central Kit Carson. The river Cass saw was one that runs off the Republican River. There's a few of them." Everybody looked at me with shock on their faces- even Doc was gazing at me through the rear view. "What?"

"How do you know that?" 10k asked me, everybody else making various sounds of wonder.

"My aunt and uncle owned a camp around here. Hey, Doc; pull over." He did, and I jumped over the seats. "Move." Again, he obliged and got out, sitting in the backseat with Warren. I got in the driver's seat and put the truck in drive before heading towards my childhood campground.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you drive!" Doc chuckled, everybody else joining in.

"Someone's jerky." Murphy mumbled.

"It's not a good road trip unless you get whiplash." I joked. Obviously I was doing it on purpose, so I decided to stop and drive normally for the truck's sake. Turning down an old ATV trail, memories started flooding back to me. Even more so when I started to smell and hear the water, and when my family's old cabin came into view.

I parked the truck in the driveway and turned it off, remaining in my seat as everybody got out. My heart began racing as I stared at the deck, suddenly terrified of what I might find.

I jumped when somebody opened he door, and turned to my left to see Tommy and Warren standing there, looking worried.

"Are you okay? You don't look okay." Thomas spoke quickly as he placed his hand on my cheek. I looked away and rested my head on the steering wheel.

"You're not telling us something." Warren spoke softly as she set a hand on my back. I took a deep breath before lifting my head and looking around to make sure nobody else could hear. No one else was nearby, they were all standing by the river.

"Are you scared of what you might find?" 10k was gentle as he brushed my hair out of my face, and I nodded.

"I..." I cleared my throat before continuing. "I heard my aunt, uncle, big sister, brother-in-law and nephew left New York for this place a few days before shit really hit the fan..." My heart broke remembering my 10 year old nephew, not knowing if he- along with everybody else was alive; or if they even made it here. "My family and I were gonna join them."

"This is where you were going before you found us?" Warren connected the pieces of the puzzle, and I nodded once.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Tommy asked as he helped me out of the seat. I nodded again and took one last deep, calming breath before making my way to the front door- hearing everybody else follow.

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