Full Metal Zombie Part 4

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"Let us up, now." Our leader demanded threateningly.

"Nobody goes upstairs without the general's orders." The wannabe soldier spoke nonchalantly, clearly not giving two shits about us- or our mission.

"That's it." I muttered, pulling my pistol out and shoving the guy against the wall, pressing the business end of my gun against his cheek- ignoring 10k's grip on my elbow. "We go up now, or I scramble your egg brain inside the shell." I sneered lowly and threateningly.

"You'll be sorry." He warned myself and the others. Garnett pulled me back before grabbing the guy's shoulder and holding his own gun to him; 10k pulling me to his side with an iron grip to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

I would find that incredibly attractive if I wasn't so damn pissed.

"So will you, 'cause you're coming with us." He pushed the soldier to the lock and forced him to put in the code. As we all started to enter the building, Garnett turned to 10k.

"10k, cover our flank. Don't let man- or zombie follow us up."

"Yes sir." 10k mumbled, more than happy to stay outside and raise his count.

"What about me?" I questioned our leader, looking up at him. "I can-" he cut me off.

"No, I need you inside. You're a great shot and good with close combat. If anything goes down in here, I want you covering our 6. Got it?"

"Yes, Garnett." I muttered, cocking my pistol.

"She's just sad Sniper Squared is getting split up." Addy teased as we followed our temporary prisoner to the elevator. I didn't bother answering since I knew more teasing was soon to follow if I uttered another word on the subject.

As the elevator doors opened, Garnett shoved our captive in as the rest of us followed. Murphy paused outside the doors- only for Warren to grab him by the collar of his shirt and yank him in just before the doors closed.

"Where's the general at?" Garnett interrogated the guard who failed at his job, trying to decide which button to push.

"Top floor; he's the general man what floor you think he's on?" He mumbled. Does this guy show no fear? Or does he not think we're not capable of seeing this through? Or, maybe, he's so high on whatever chemicals he found laying around and our OxyContin that he just doesn't give a shit.

"Now what?" Warren asked as the elevator started moving.

"Be ready for anything." Garnett spoke clearly, ensuring all of us heard the reminder. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Murphy acting more anxious than usual in a corner.

"What's your deal?" I questioned him, not really caring.

"Did I mention, that the one thing I have a phobia of besides zombies is e-e-elevators?" He stuttered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shouldn't mess with the general." Soldier boy mocked us in a sing-song voice. No one bothered to answer him. Out of nowhere, Murphy started panicking.

"Is it getting hot in here? Hey, come on." He started banging on the side of the elevator. "Come on, open the damn door! I gotta get outta here!"

"Relax, Murphy." Warren warned him.

"No, I gotta get outta here! There's not enough oxygen- I need to-" Enough of this shit. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt after handing Mack my gun and rose my right hand, slapping him across the face. Not too hard, but hard enough to hopefully knock some sense into him.

"Chill he fuck out, Murphy." I growled out. Suddenly, the elevator stopped and the lights went out, as if it just completely shut down.

"Mack?" Addy called for her boyfriend as I took my gun back from him.

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