Home Sweet Zombie Part 1

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Well, isn't this nice? For once I'm actually not being sarcastic- this is actually pretty relaxing. We're somewhere in Southern Illinois, hanging out in this small house we came across. There's still electricity here- which is shocking. Get it? Anyway, this place has an electric fence which makes it pretty easy to defend.

Mack and Addy are on watch right now, but judging by the giggling coming from outside they're probably just taking time to mess around. I don't blame them- we're all pretty at home. Warren and Garnett are in the kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee and talking, Cassandra is napping on the couch in the living room, 10k's sitting in a chair next to her reading some magazine.

Murphy and Doc are playing some card game in the dining room using medicine as bets while I watch. It's almost like the apocalypse isn't happening and we're just a normal family spending time together; it's nice.

"I will see your Vicodin and raise you one Tetracycline." Doc placed his bet, adding his bet to the pot. Murphy didn't think twice.

"Call." He said confidently. Doc placed his cards face-up on the table.

"Three of a kind." Three kings- nice. Murphy grinned and showed his cards.

"Full house, aces high." Aces over nines? Damn.

"Man!" Doc huffed, slouching back in his chair and he watched Murphy collect his winnings, letting out a victorious chuckle.

"That's 5 hands in a row, Doc." I reminded him.

"If you're gonna continue to use my deck, you need to quit pulling cards outta your ass." Doc complained to Murphy.

"Oh, boo-hoo." Murphy laughed, and I laughed with him. Surprising, I know- but in the last few days he hasn't done anything to bother me; so I guess I'll give him a chance. Garnett's voice broke up the party as he shushed is.

"Hey, shh, hold on- he's back on." Citizen Z has been broadcasting a lot recently- I think that's how he's keeping his sanity. I couldn't hear the first part of what he said, but I listened as I abandoned Doc and Murphy to join 10k- Tommy- in the living room, sitting in the chair next to him. Citizen Z put on a cliche weatherman's accent as he spoke.

"... big storms in the Mid-West, friends. I'm talking mean weather coming in fast- some reports of tornados. Find shelter and take cover, it's dangerous out there- more so than usual! Now, back to the soothing sounds of the apocalypse." CZ played some more calming music that sounded a lot like elevator music; but I didn't mind.

"You know," Murphy started as he looked up from his cards, "after he was so wrong about that chopper, weatherman's a pretty good job for that geek." I grinned and nodded.

"Word." I replied as I leaned back in the chair, watching Mack and Addy come back inside and walk over to Charles and Roberta.

"You're up." Mack let our leaders know as he leaned on the doorframe.

"All good?" Garnett questioned, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Peaceful night." Addy confirmed.

"First of all," I started, sitting up and crossing my legs in the chair, "it's day time. Second of all, your stalker said there's a storm front coming in." Warren nodded towards my statement and looked to the young couple.

"All good out there?" Addy grinned.

"Cloudy with a chance of zombie." She stated. I laughed softly.

"Ay-oh! Reference game on point, sister!" Addy chuckled and shot me a sailors salute.

"Okay, you two get some rest." Garnett suggested to the two, who just looked at each other with grins on their faces.

The Snipers of the ApocalypseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ