Full Metal Zombie Part 3

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"Can we just give up? We've been holding this satellite up for hours." I groaned as the muscles in my arms burned. This satellite isn't light- not even with 10k helping me. We've been standing on the back of the truck holding this thing up for what feels like an eternity.

"Hang on guys, just a few more minutes." Addy reassured as she messed with some wires.

"You said that an hour ago." 10k grunted. Even his arms seemed to be tired. Brushing off the male sniper's comment, Addy looked over her shoulder at Garnett.

"Alright, give it a shot." Garnett nodded and leaned down to the camera of Clowny the French Fry Guy, leaning on it with his left hand.

"This is Sargent Charles Garnett calling Northern Light. Charles Garnett calling Northern Light." He spoke clearly as he awaited an answer. "Come in Northern Light. Northern Light, can you read me? Citizen Z are you there? Over." Suddenly, various sighs and chuckles of relief filled the air as Citizen Z finally caught on to our transmission.

"Yes, this is Northern Light for Garnett! Citizen Z hitting you back, go for Garnett."

"Fucking- yes!" I shouted, not caring if any zombie in the area heard me. My arms are tired and I want a nap. Everybody but myself, 10k, Addy and Garnett were on guard duty anyway. Chales smiled in what seemed like a mix of disbelief and relief.

"Thank God! We've been trying to make this work for hours!"

"Literally!" I called. Hey, I wanna talk to the NSA too, okay?

"What're you broadcasting on?" Citizen Z questioned. I could hear in his voice that he had tried, and failed, to figure out what we were using.

"Uh, Clowny the French Fry Guy." I chuckled at how stupid it sounded. "One of our team, Carver, jerry-rigged a drive-thru camera."

"Addy Carver?" CZ questioned. I grinned down at Addy who was leaning on the truck by my feet.

"Someone's got a crush on you." I teased quietly, she just rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yeah." Garnett confirmed CZ's hopes.

"Is she there? I wanna say hi." I chuckled down at Addy who decided to just ignore me.

"Okay." Garnett turned and motioned for Addy to walk over, who obliged. She leaned down to the camera, placing her hands on her knees for balance.

"Hi Addy." Citizen Z said, sounding like he was in a daze.

"Hey." Addy replied simply, looking into the little camera lens.

"Ho-how is it down there?" Small talk? Really, CZ? Now?

"Um, pretty effed up, actually. Hows it going wherever you are?"

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Busy keeping an eye on the world. What can I do for you?" Doc pushed his way past everyone.

"Could we get a vanilla shake and fries?" He questioned, I spoke up.

"Oh, and a burger and onion-" Murphy cut me off.

"Could we please get on with this before the Z's find us?" He snapped. Wow, rude. What else is new.

"Wait, is that Murphy?" We all nodded. "Outstanding! Glad to see you're still alive, sir." Did he just call Murphy, "sir"? That is totally gonna inflate his ego more than it already is.

"Yeah, we won't be for long if we don't get off this highway." Garnett stated the grim fact. "We're in desperate need for alternate transpo. We're looking for an airplane, or a chopper- a hot air balloon? Anything airborne." Garnett placed his wild request. I was surprised that CZ didn't shut him down instantly, but actually had something that might help us. Is this man God or something?

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