Zunami Part 3

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Okay. I was looking through the chapters, seeing where I left off because it's been a while, etc. And then I noticed something. "Oh wow, there are only 2 parts to 'Zunami'?" I thought. So, I clicked on part two to see how I managed to condense it so much, and the realization hit me.
So, this is that. Enjoy!
P.S.: Zunami Part 2 was published on December 18, 2020. It is now September 16 2021. Oh my Lanta.)

"Get outta here!" Bang, bang. "Go away!"

What in the hell is this guy doing?! 10k opened his eyes and looked at me, confusion apparent in what I could make of his face in the dark.

"Otis is flipping shit." I mumbled the simplest explanation I could give him. With a nod from him, we both listened.

"Try to breathe, man- just breathe." That was Doc, making some sort of attempt to calm the man down.

"There's no air in here! I gotta get out of the darkness. I can't take it!"

"This guys gonna get us all killed." I hissed as I tried to roll myself onto my other side, ready to shank this dude with my words alone. 10k grabbed my side and shook his head.

"There's no point in giving out our location too. If he's gonna get himself killed, let him. This team is more important that he even knows."

Hesitantly, I nodded, and let my now very tense muscles relax. He was right, after all- we're on a mission that he has no idea about, and now never will.

"If we all go at once, we can overpower them." Otis made a vain attempt of a plan; in response Doc said exactly what any one of us would have.

"No. No man, no one's going. Chill man- chill!" Our resident "doctor" was now whisper-shouting at the disgruntled Otis, trying his hardest to get him to relax enough to get through this horrible situation we were in. But, as it goes, Otis wasn't taking it.

He started counting down.


"Does he seriously think any one of us are going to join him?" I muttered, feeling 10k shrug.

"He seems to think it's a good idea."


"Otis, be cool man- be cool."

"Cass, you okay over there?" I spoke as loud as I comfortably could in an attempt for her to hear me.

"This guys insane." She spoke back. "It's like Doc isn't even there to him."

"Three!" A battle cry, a loud thump, a blood-curdling scream. Not even a single gunshot.

The four of us in those cubbies fell silent, listening to Otis' last moments of life. It only lasted a few moments before all that was left was the growls and guttural noises of the dead on the other side.

"For his sake, I hope they did enough damage for him to stay dead." Another shrug, no more voices.

We lay there, in silence. For how long though, I'm not certain. 10k fell back asleep; I was unable to. I just lie there, with my thoughts.

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