Misadventures Part 1- "Walmart"

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A/N: Hello, and welcome to the first installment of Misadventures! "Misadventures" is the name I have given to my "filler chapters." Filler chapters contain scenarios that I have come up with, and are not in the show itself. Call them "In-between-episodes" chapters. I will be writing these when "actual" chapters are taking longer to write than I had originally anticipated.

1st Person POV

Ah, the open road. Filled with freedom, fresh air... and Z's. Mack, Addy, 10k and I were in the bed of the truck. It's been a day since the refinery incident, and I have yet to ask about Cassandra's 'not-friend'. Pushing that aside, I looked at Mack and Addy as they shared a devious grin towards 10k and I.

"What?" I questioned, suspicious.

"We have a challenge for you two, to see who's the better sniper." Addy spoke excitedly. I raised my brow as 10k shot her a weary glance.

"Don't worry, I think you two will love it." Mack reassured with a smile. "Plus, it'll help all of us pass the time."

"Now that's what I like to hear!" Doc chimed in from the backseat. I always forget that window is almost always open.

"Wanna know what it is?" Addy inquired. I simply shrugged.

"Sure, why not." I looked at 10k, who looked at Addy with a slight nod of his head.

"We're calling it, 'Sniper Horse'." Addy proclaimed proudly. Mack explained further.

"It's like Horse in basketball. One of you takes a shot, and the other copies it. Whoever messes up first loses."

"Does the winner get a prize?" Murphy asked through the window.

Even he was interested.

Mack and Addy shared a glance before shrugging.

"Bragging rights?" Addy suggested sheepishly. I could hear everyone chuckle from inside the truck, causing myself to laugh softly.

"Good enough for me. I'm in." Addy smiled and looked to 10k, who shrugged. We took that as a sign that he was down.

"Okay, I'm the ref." Mack grinned as he and Addy watched 10k and I get into position with our rifles set on the side of the truck. Mack grabbed a spare scope from my bag to use as a type of telescope.

"Everybody, welcome to the first ever game of Sniper Horse!" Addy announced loud enough for Warren and Garnett to hear at the front of the truck. "Today's contestants are Ms. Alrrami, ex-sniper of Camp Blue Sky, and Mr. Ten Thousand, origin unknown. Please also give a warm welcome to our honorable Referee, Mack Thompson, and his amazingly beautiful right-hand-woman, Addison Carver!" We all laughed at how serious, yet playful she was. "Round One is now beginning! Mr. Thompson, please call the first shot." Mack raised the scope to his eye.

"First target, farmer boy at 2 o'clock! 10k, you're up!" 10k and I quickly located the target. As if it was slow motion, I watched as his bullet skillfully entered the Z's skull. "What a shot!" Mack proclaimed. "Think you can do any better to that Z at 11?" He challenged me. I simply smirked and lined up my shot, pulling the trigger.

Right through the eye.

"Bullseye! Pun intended." Mack grinned at his pun, causing everyone to laugh. I glanced inside the truck and noticed everyone, with the exception of Warren who was driving, was looking out the right windows of the truck to watch the game.

"This is the closest thing I've seen to a sport in years!" Garnett called from the passenger's seat, and more laughs rang out.

This was actually fun.

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