Qing: It's too much work sometimes.

Me: I know. But you have to do it or I will do it for you and you and I will break up because I will really floss your teeth out, you'll be mad at me.

I hugged Qing.

Me: Do this for me and you would never hear me nag again about this.

Qing: (sighing) Okay, fine.

He flossed regularly now. Your Baba.

I also showed him how to shower the right way.

Me: Use shampoo on your hair, never soap. I once saw you wash your hair with soap and I almost kill you that time. I'll make sure we'll never run out of shampoo ever so use shampoo on your hair and rinse it first before reaching for the soap to wash your body. Then rinse, use the shower gel, rinse again. Get a face towel or loofah and start scrubbing dead skin cells. Make sure to scrub the spaces between your fingers and toes. Always scrub the back of your ears and your nape. Soap up again and then rinse thoroughly. And you are done.

Qing: (wincing) You will soap up three times? Wouldn't you beggar us by buying soaps all the time?

Me: No. Soap is necessity. Soap is life.

Qing: Ugh. No.

Me: Yes. And I will not hear one more complain. Now, strip and let me see you wash. We'll see which part of your bathing habits need improvement.

Qing: (grumbling as he took off his clothes) You should've gotten us both naked before lecturing me on hygiene. At least I'll be distracted and tuned you out by watching your naked ass.

I smacked his head and get him in line.

To be honest, there was nothing too drastic to change on Qing's bathing habit except he really wash too quickly for my liking. I mean, fifteen minutes under the shower is too fast to be considered as a decent wash. You need at least half an hour or an actual hour in the bath for it to be call a decent bath.

Anyways, there is that. I influenced Qing and he knows not to not wash properly when I am nearby.

We will not talk about those gym showers he takes after working out, that needs its own entry and frankly I cannot be arsed right now.

Anyways, enough about people not washing their legs daily (really that is nasty) and also don't get me started on people not changing underwears everyday because I will have an apoplectic shock here and I'll probably die. Lets talk about something else.

How about this coronavirus thing? It's still the leading problem around the world and some countries are winning while other countries are...I'm worried. Truly.

What are the precautions being put place in your country? Is wearing a mask mandatory now in your part of the Earth? How about physical distancing? Mass testing? Online classes for students? We should talk about the last one.

Is your country ready for the start of school this fall? I feel like China is ready but I am not sure I want to risk children's safety. It's a complicated matter.

Why am I discussing this? I have cousins who are still studying. I care that they'll go to crowded places with other kids without real precautions procedures being put in place to keep them safe.

There is a saying, there's no age in learning. You can study at any age. Many people already proven that. GrandPa's and GrandMa's finishing highschool and college in their seventies or eighties. A sixteen year old genius graduating from medical school and becoming a resident at such a young age.

There is no age in learning.

The people wanting to reopen schools are saying that children should be not held back from studying and learning. They should go to school, just practice physical distancing. I have one question for them?

Have they met kids? I mean really, do they even have kids of their own? If yes, why don't they know their own kids?

Children are social beings. Put them in one space and they will chat and play with each other. Physical distancing be damned. Kids are kids. Some of them are pretty smart to know they have to be careful...others are bold enough to risk it. As adults, we are the one who should tell them to be careful and place precautions around them to keep them safe.

I am all for teaching children. I am all for continuing their learning. But I hope lawmakers and school officials will put their safety first and foremost. You cannot teach a kid down with sickness, right?

You cannot teach a kid who died from a pandemic. That's dark and harsh but this virus doesn't discriminate. It won't stop and look at a cute kids and say "nah, I won't infect these kids cause they're cute as fuck.".

This virus doesn't discriminate. Please, keep our children safe. They'll have plenty of time to learn once this pandemic is controled and there is a proven vaccine to kill it. But until then, keep tbe children safe and away from crowded places where they can catch the virus.

And also, protect our teachers.

Look, we are already seeing a generation of doctors and nurses, medical staffs and frontliners dying by serving and saving us. Don't do the same to teachers. We are already doomed from losing those brilliant souls and minds of medical professionals we lost in this pandemic, if we are gonna lose teachers as well, I think this virus is not the problem...I think it's us being unbelievably stupid for risking their lives.

Please...please...don't do this to teachers. Some of you call them heroes while watching them overwork themselves and go home with little paychecks. They still teach, why? Because they love their students and their profession. They value their work and they care for the kids. I know many teachers will be willing to risk it all and go teach back at schools but why will we let them risk themselves that way if they are our heroes? Do you want dead heroes? Personally, I like living heroes.

Lets have deeper conversations about what "new normal" is. Lets save lives first. Keep souls safe. Keep children away from harm. One of those brilliant kids will invent the cure for cancer or will solve the global warming or will be heroes.

Lets keep our heroes alive.

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