Those are oddly specific instructions

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Shocked, I stared at Lena for a long moment before looking to Alex hopeful. "Please Alex?" Never in a million years did I think she would want to stay with me, but after this week I guess I wasn't the best reader of what Lena wanted... I mean I thought she only liked me as a friend for Rao's sake.

Glacing between the two of us, Alex crossed her arms trying to look intimidating (it wasn't working). "You call me if anything and I mean anything seems wrong with her. Don't let her near the kitchen the knives won't break if she cuts herself, and don't let her grab anything hot." Staring Lena down, her gaze moved to me and I couldn't help but shrink slightly.

"Those are oddly specific instructions," Lena turned to me. "but I'm not going to ask."

Alex started typing away on her phone. "Wise decision." She looked up at me. "You need to get changed and leave your suit here with me so I know we won't have another Earthquake incident, but then we'll have an agent drop you both off at your apartment Kara."

Grumbling, I wanted to argue but if Lena asked about the Earthquake incident she'd be mad and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Alex smiled at her phone, putting it away and stepped towards the door. "Be safe, I love you. Lena if I hear she's done something stupid I will hurt you." I cleared my throat, she was not hurting Lena. "You might want to get a drink Kara, you sound like you're coming down with something."

Really? As easily as me flying out a window, Alex leaves like she didn't just threaten Lena's life if I did something stupid. Left in the room with Lena, I turned off the sun lamps and sat up when they automatically retracted. There was a spare change of clothes on the table that weren't there yesterday that I grabbed before looking at Lena expectantly.

"Something wrong, Kara?" Lena raised an eyebrow making me fidget.

Picking at the clothes in my hands, I looked at the floor by Lena's feet. "Do you mind turning around?"

I didn't want to look at her, the heat in my cheeks telling me I was blushing furiously but she wasn't turning around. "I mind." The smirk in her voice was audible, not needing me to look up even though I did.

"Please?" My voice was practically a whine, Lena simply looked at me as I gave her my best pout.

Rolling her eyes, she finally turned around. "You're acting like I didn't see you in a swimsuit this past week." Standing up I didn't reply, choosing instead to try and get my suit off but I couldn't reach the zipper, my arms still a little sore and stiff.

"Um... Can you give me a hand?" I turned my head to look at Lena, still facing the door. "I can't reach the zipper." Thankfully, she spun to look at me trying not to smile.

Stepping towards me, I watched her eyes look me up and down, stopping at the zipper on the back of my suit. "How do you get this off when you're alone?" It was a valid question but not one I particularly wanted to answer, not that I needed to. Her breath on my neck made me shiver, her hands reaching the top of the zipper and holding my cape out of the way.

Feeling the air hit my back, I groaned at the same time I heard Lena softly gasp as she saw the bruising still visible over some of my ribs. "Why are you still bruised?" It was a whisper, for which I'm thankful, if Alex realised I was still injured she wouldn't let me leave.

"Kryptonian beat downs take longer to recover from, especially the bigger injuries." I pulled my arms free of my suit and quickly grabbed my sweatshirt, getting it over my head before Lena could have too long to survey the bruises no doubt a yellow colour by now. Lena was right, no matter how hesitant I might be to let her see me still injured she had seen me in a swimsuit this week.

Getting out of the rest of the suit, I slipped the DEO joggers on as quickly as possible, wincing slightly as my back twisted picking my suit up. A motion Lena didn't miss if her frown was any indication.

Stuffing my suit in a bag, I let it drop onto the floor by my feet. "Whatever you're going to say, can you say it when we get to my apartment? If Alex knows I'm still injured she'll make me stay under those lamps for another twelve hours and I just want to sleep in my own bed." I didn't even have the energy to give her a pout and puppy dog eyes, the thought of my own bed making me want to sleep for the next several hours.

Lena didn't say anything, not even an eyebrow raise. Instead, she stepped towards me and wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me against her side. "Wrap your arm around my waist and if you need it, I will help you get past your sister."

I smiled. "You know I can walk, it's just the bruises and maybe more than a few sore muscles?" Not that I was against having Lena holding me close, her profile even more stunning up close.

"I know." I could see the corner of her mouth turn up in a smirk, her jaw line sharper than I had thought possible. "Let's go." Reaching down carefully, Lena picked up the bag with my suit.

Together we made our way from my room, most of the DEO agents around us not paying us any attention regardless of the fact that Lena always drew extra eyes while she was here. Why none of the agents could believe she wasn't Lex, I don't know, but today they seemed to be leaving her and me alone. An action that let us reach the car park without issue, an agent waiting by a car to take us home.

The ride home has silent, neither of us wanting to talk for what I'd guess was two different reasons; Lena because she wanted to talk about my bruises and myself because I wanted to sleep. Getting closer to my apartment building I rubbed my eyes to keep myself awake, nudging Lena accidentally as I did so.


Putting her hand on my leg I glanced down, my cheeks warming. "It's okay. We'll be home in a few minutes and you can curl up in bed and get some sleep."

I let my head roll to the side, Lena looking forward at where we were going. "We can both get some sleep because you haven't slept and don't try telling me you have."

She chuckled silently, "Maybe." glancing at me for a moment.

I hadn't realised it, but we started slowing down, coming to a stop in front of my building with Lena already getting herself sorted to step out and help me. Slowly (and I mean slowly), I got out of the not-so-suble SUV that was moving before the door closed behind me, Lena's arm wrapped around my waist once again.

"Let's get you inside." Her breath tickled my ear as she guided me forward, towards my building and ultimately somewhere comfy to sleep. I didn't say a word as I followed her movements to my apartment, stopping only to wait for the elevator to arrive and then reach my floor. The walk to my door seemed to last forever, not helped my Lena stopping to fish my keys from her pocket.

Letting go of my waist, she leant me against the wall by my door for a moment. "One moment while I unlock your door." Her soft voice was practically lulling me to sleep, the wall hard against my back the only reason I wasn't sliding down to the floor. Opening the door, Lena left it to swing wide while she wrapped her arm around me again. Helping me more than before to get inside my apartment, Lena only managed to get us a few steps in before we were tackled back a step and in a bone crushing hug.

"Ow!" I didn't mean to groan aloud, but it had whomever was hugging us jumping back as quickly as they had hugged us.

Tired as I was, I could barely pull one thought together as I tried to focus on the image in front of me. "Sorry, didn't mean to hurt ya." Harley was smiling at us, looking a little apologetic at the thought of hurting me but Lena beat my brain to the most important detail.

"What are you doing here? Better yet, how do you know where Kara lives?" Lena snapped at the woman whose smile dropped, a voice we both knew too well sounding from my couch.

"I showed them and Ivy got us in." Cat Grant was sat on my couch next to Poison Ivy, each with a  wine glass in their hand.

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