Chapter 39 - Happy Place

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My two weeks at the guys apartment waiting for news from the police seems to fly by. I don't hear from them other than a quick follow up one night to say they found no trace of anything on the paper (big shock). And I also don't hear anything further from the message sender. This is the longest they've gone without bothering me so I start to breathe a little easier again and wonder if the police scared them off.

And true to Jimin's word I'm not left alone for one minute. Yoongi is with me most of the time but Jin Jimin and Hobi have also taken turns either walking me to or from college when Yoongi is working or at basketball. I'm so grateful to them.

One night this week whilst Yoongi was out and no one else was available I even had the pleasure of Taehyung and Jungkook coming to sit with me for the evening. One of the more bizarre nights I've ever spent with other humans I must admit. For a start they followed me around the apartment like guard dogs until I pointed out that really wasn't necessary and then when they finally relaxed I was made to play twister, uno and mario kart with them, the loser of which (Taehyung) had to make dinner. Which I then ended up taking control of because had it been left to him we'd be eating banana sandwiches and popcorn.

Jin had finally come home and put me out of my misery and we spent the rest of the night watching Netflix and snacking. Speaking of Jin, I also kept to my promise of cooking for him which went down so well that he bragged about it all over college and I was now getting requests from the other guys too.

Oh, and after handing our music assignment in and receiving top marks we had decided to celebrate in our own special way by going down to the shop after hours and having a private little picnic in the soundproof room.

It had started off innocent of course, we just wanted to celebrate in the place where we came up with our masterpiece... Chinese food, cheesecake and a bottle of wine thrown in for good measure. However, it had ended up rather less innocent than that (much the same way most of our time spent together had ended ever since we did it that first night).

I honestly don't think I could ever get enough of Yoongi even if we were marooned on a deserted island for the rest of our lives. He is my perfect match in every way.

"Your brother's not likely to turn up unannounced is he?" I ask Yoongi and he looks down at me and then around the room and the state it's in.

"Very very unlikely. He doesn't exactly live near and it's a bit late"

"Thank all the gods" I say and give a pointed look to our state of undress. Undress is an understatement since we're not wearing a single item of clothing between us.

He smiles and then lays on the blanket beside me. We're quiet for a few minutes, just laid here in our little room that's become something of a sanctuary to me.

"What are you thinking Rose?" his deep rumble drags me out of my thoughts.

"Just that... I think this is my happy place."

He raises an eyebrow.

"And not because of what we just did on that piano stool" I say and he covers his mouth laughing "Although that definitely adds to the reasoning".

"Then what's your other reason?"

"I dunno how to explain it." I push up onto my elbows so I'm talking down to him. "I guess I just feel... safe here? It's full of happy and content memories. It's the place where I think I began to fall in love... you know?"

"That makes sense" he sweeps his fingers across my forehead and tucks my hair behind my ear. "For me though, it was that day in the hallway when we found out you were our neighbour".

I widen my eyes in shock.

"We'd only known each other a few days!"

"Exactly. That's why I gave up trying to be... indifferent towards you after that. I knew it was pointless if I felt infatuated so quickly."

I still get a bit embarrassed when he talks so straight forward like that. It's like he doesn't have a filter, he just says what he thinks in any situation. It can make him pretty savage sometimes, especially with his friends, but in circumstances like this its ridiculously sweet.

"I saw you sprawled out on your ass outside our apartment looking up at us shocked as hell with all your shopping rolling away and thought to myself fuck, if that isn't the most adorable..."

I burst into laughter and bury my face in his chest. "Oh my god but that was so embarrassing. Like, that just took my un-coordinated-ness to a whole new level"

"Well I'm thankful to your un-coordinated-ness then I guess".

After a few more minutes of contented overly naked cuddling on the floor we decide we really should get dressed and head back home.

"You know..." he says as he waits for me to lock up. "This party at Tae's house tomorrow... we don't have to go if you don't want to. No one will mind".

For the second time in the last few months we're gearing up to attend a party at Taehyung's house but this time I feel a lot better about it.

"I know, but I need to bury what happened last time".

He grabs my hand and we set off down the street. "You keep saying that but I think you already have..."

He's referring to how much better I've gotten since I opened up about Josh and everything. It's true. I have. Talking about it seems to have set me free of a lot of my panic and anxiety problems. But still, I feel like this could be the last big hurdle.

"No, I told Tae and Jimin that I'd be there. And... I want to be there. You know?"

He squeezes my hand. "Okay."


We reach his apartment and let ourselves in. Jin is asleep on the couch surrounded by empty bags of jellies and the credits to Mr & Mrs Smith rolling on the TV. Yoongi shakes his head "Brad Pitt".

"Hey" I hold up the keys he gave me to his brothers shop. "I guess I won't be needing these now we're finished the assignment".

"Keep them" he smiles at me as he turns the TV off then gently starts trying to wake Jin. "You never know when you might need a happy place... or a piano stool" he winks and I laugh. 

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