Chapter 18 - Visitor

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After Yoongi leaves I find a missed call and text message from Beth. Checking I'm OK and demanding to know what happened with me and Yoongi last night. I let her know I'm fine and manage to put her off on the gossip side until tomorrow at our Lord of the Rings movie night.

I change into sweats and go for a run.

I don't really go far since I'm still not too familiar with the area, just around my block and through a nearby park.

It feels good to get out and work up a bit of a sweat.

It also gives me time to think.

Mostly about Yoongi and our encounter in the kitchen, which by the way, was one of the single most steamy experiences of my life.

What person in their right mind wouldn't want to be woken up at 9am by their crush, who by some bloody good fortune lives right across the hall, then be cooked for and finally shoved up against the kitchen counter while making out?

No-one? I rest my case.

I sit down on a bench and have a little rest. This park is peaceful but strangely empty.

I also have time to ponder more about the message sender. I'm certain it's just someone playing about. They saw my story in the news and decided to mess with me.

I'm not going to let them intimidate me.

I've made multiple friends in my first week at college here, attended one party quite successfully (I'm counting it as a success since I didn't completely pass out and I genuinely had fun) and I've even made out with a guy, twice!

All of that is so beyond what I thought I'd be capable of and I'm damned proud of myself. My therapist back home would be jumping for joy. So no, this idiot, whoever it is will not scare me back into hiding from my old nightmares.

My phone pings in my pocket.

Yoongi: Whatcha doing?

I chuckle to myself.

Me: I'm sat on a park bench.

Yoongi: That's not running.

Me: I did that already. Now I'm tired. Aren't you supposed to be watching a movie right now?

Yoongi: Waiting for it to start. I hate the commercials

Me: So inpatient.

He's silent for a few minutes and then then I get a final message.

Yoongi: Jin says I'm being anti-social again. Gotta go. See you tomorrow x

He added a kiss...

Are we at the 'adding a kiss' stage to our text messages? I don't know why this confuses me since we've certainly passed the real life kiss stage so a virtual one shouldn't be such a big deal.

Me: Tell him look who's Mr grumpy pants now. Have fun x

OK, there, I did it. I put my phone back in my pocket.

I'm about to set off again when something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. This park was completely empty but I could have sworn I just saw movement and a flash of red behind a nearby tree.

I hesitate a moment before starting to walk over there. As I get closer I hear footsteps and so I speed up. Behind the tree is a gate to exit the park and it crashes shut just as I round the tree.

Pulling the gate open I step out onto the street and look left and right. There's no one anywhere near.

I give my head a shake. "Stupid" I mutter to myself.

But just as I'm about to set off running again a parked car across the street (which I had took to have no one in it) suddenly revs it's engine and pulls away with a screech. It speeds past me so fast that all I catch is a person in a red hoodie with their head facing away from me.

Now I'm not one to put two and two together and come up with thirty five but something about that just felt... off? It's probably just me over thinking everything as usual but I'm slightly creeped out and decide to head back home.

When I get back however, I find a familiar face stood outside my apartment looking a little lost.


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