Chapter 33 - Jealousy

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A week passes by without any more messages after I get my new phone number and I start to feel I was right, it was just someone trying to scare me afterall. Of course they could get a hold of my new number but I'll have to just deal with that if it happens.

Yoongi and I spend two more sessions in his brother's shop and manage to almost completely finish the composition part of our assignment.

He actually gives me a key to the shop so I can go in and do some work on it by myself while he's at basketball practice. Junki is there doing some work of his own but makes sure to keep checking on me and bringing me cups of hot tea since he found out I was British. I very much appreciate the gesture and tell him so. He's such a sweet guy.

I decide to play our song through one last time before leaving for the night. It's really starting to sound good. When I finish however there's sudden clapping behind me which makes me jump out of my skin.

Turning around I find Yoongi is stood in the doorway with Namjoon and Hobi.

"Jesus... I almost had a heart attack" I let out a breath and then close the piano before standing up.

"Sorry Rosie-posy but that definitely deserved a round of applause"

I smile "Thanks Hobi. How was practice?"

"Hyung killed it as usual" Namjoon answers me. "I don't know why we bother going to cheer him on anymore, he really doesn't need it".

"Who are you even kidding?" Yoongi says to Namjoon as he walks over and kisses me then takes my hand and leads me after the others. "You think I actually believe you come to practice for my benefit?"

Namjoon turns red and Hobi bursts into laughter.

"Busted" he points at Namjoon.

"Guys" I ask as we walk out the shop. "I'm confused. Why does Namjoon go to Yoongi's basketball practice if not to watch Yoongi?".

"He comes to watch the cheerleaders" Yoongi replies without any pause and Hobi cracks up again.

Namjoon hangs his head down but doesn't disagree with Yoongi.

"Is that true?" I nudge him.

He lets out a defeated sigh "yes".

"I see. So they're pretty are they?"

Hobi comes to walk beside me "I don't think he even notices whether they're pretty or not to be honest"

"Hey! Course I do!"

I turn to look at Hobi. "Then what does he notice?"

"What they wear, or more like what they don't wear very much of" him and Yoongi start laughing and I shoot Namjoon a look. I thought he wasn't like that!

"Hey, don't look at me like that Rosie, just because I like to... look, doesn't mean I'm not respectful"

"Namjoon-ah, you come to my practice sessions for the sole purpose of staring at half naked dancers without knowing a single one of their names... I'd quit before you dig yourself any deeper"

"Oh and you know their names hyung?"

"Course I do, well most of them. They're people I see at practice and games every week. Why wouldn't I?"

That shuts Namjoon up and he zips his lips shut.

I don't want to be one of those jealous girlfriends or anything but I feel a slight twinge of curiosity and anxiety upon hearing about these cheerleaders and the fact that Yoongi knows their names.

Beautiful Nightmare (Min Yoongi Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now