Chapter 13 - Party

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"yes mum... no mum... I promise mum"...

I put my phone on speaker on the kitchen counter so I can make lunch while my mum rants at me.  She's giving me orders on what to do and what not to do whilst at a college party in the US. 

She's clearly watched too many movies like American Pie.

"Mum, I told you" I interrupt her speech, "I might not even go inside. You know I'm still not OK with parties and stuff. Beth says there's a huge outdoor area at the house so we'll probably just sit outside ... not drinking"

She doesn't hear a word 

"... and you've never even met this boy, or his parents. What if..."

"Mum! Chill! Plenty of people I know from collage are invited, including my neighbours who've known him a few years, I'm pretty sure it's legit enough."

She huffs and I can tell she's getting ready to lecture me some more so I cut her off before she can start.

"Look mum I've got to go, I have college work to do"

(which is a big fat lie, since I have no life so it's all done... but she doesn't know that)

"I'll talk to you next weekend OK?"

She's quiet for a moment but eventually lets me get off the phone.

I make myself a toasted cheese sandwich and sit down to watch one of my many recorded US crime dramas.

I should have known telling her about the party would be a mistake. But she sounded worried that I spend most of the time in my apartment.

So I told her about the party. I thought she'd be happy that I've made friends and am attempting to get out and live like other students.

But I guess being so far away changes all that. She worries about my safety.

Speaking of...

You're going to pay for what you did, you fucking whore

I stop eating for a moment as I remember the voicemail again.

I keep trying to forget about it but it's always there at the back of my mind.

And I don't know what to do about it.

If I tell someone what will happen?

I don't want to be sent home. I don't want to be a failure yet again.

It took a lot of money and planning to set up my new life here and I'm finally starting to feel like a normal student, I can't just give up after a couple of weeks.

Plus, telling someone would mean I'd have to explain about Josh. I can't let Beth or Yoongi or any of my new friends find out about that, I just can't. They'd look at me differently. They'd pity me. They'd wonder why I didn't fight back.

After Yoongi walked me home last night I had began to rationalise it all in my head. 

Maybe someone saw the articles about me and Josh when our case went to court and they're just trying to scare me. Some idiot or other who thinks it's funny and has nothing better to do?

This is what I keep telling myself. That doesn't explain how they have my number but I guess it's easy to get people's numbers these days right?

I need to put the voicemail out of my mind and focus on the party tonight. If I can pull this off it'll be a big step for me. I'm so done with hiding from the world. It's time to throw on some big girl pants and face the music, so to speak.

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