Chapter 29 - Love

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Yoongi stares at me for the longest moment then takes a few steps back towards me.

"Rose..." his voice cracks.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I should have told you. But it's not the kind of thing you can tell someone easily. And this is the reason I came here!" I throw my arms up. "I wanted to leave it all behind and start again somewhere that no one knew what happened."

"But, how did he... hurt you?" It looks as though it pains him to ask.

There's no point holding back anymore, he knows most of the truth now.

"I told you how he was. Controlling, emotionally abusive... jealous"

He nods.

"It eventually turned to... physical anger. He would throw stuff at me in a rage or shove me up against a wall and shout at me. The more he drank the angrier he got. He was so paranoid about the time I spent at uni without him. He questioned me from the minute I got home"

"Didn't you tell anyone?"

I hang my head in shame. "No. I was afraid to. I didn't know what he'd do.  You have no idea how much I regret that, how I wished I had been brave enough to walk away... instead of... living like that, for so long."

I swipe the tears away from under my eyes.

"As it got worse and worse I talked myself into thinking I just had to behave better, spend more time with him, reassure him that I wasn't being unfaithful. But it didn't help. I didn't see him as the monster he was turning into, I was holding onto how he was when we first met. I was naïve, stupid"

Yoongi looks for a moment as though he wants to speak but stops himself.

"Anyway..." I plough on. I need to get this over with so there's no more lies.

"He started hurting me worse every time he got angry until one day after he saw me talking to a boy in my class, he flew into a jealous rage. He punched me in the face, breaking my jaw in two places and crushing my cheekbone. When I was on the floor he kicked me in the ribs. Over and over." 

My voice finally cracks but I push on without looking at him.  

"Two were broken but one of them pierced my lung and caused internal bleeding. And then he... he tried to strangle me".

I let out the breath I had been holding in. There... I said it. I peek up at Yoongi. A tear is sliding down one side of his face.

"Thankfully one of our neighbours heard all the commotion and called the police. I prayed that they would. They smashed the door in just as I thought... well... I thought I couldn't hang on any longer, you know?"

"I spent 2 weeks in hospital recovering from my injuries and having reconstructive surgery on my cheekbone. Josh was arrested and charged with attempted murder and GBH, along with several other smaller charges. He was convicted on all counts and locked away for 12 years. He'll probably be out in 10."

I start fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "I'm sorry Yoongi" I whisper.

He finally snaps out of it and strides over to me. Before I can do anything he wraps his arms around me and holds me against him.

"Don't" he says in his deep voice. "Just, don't apologise ever again OK?"

"I wanted to tell you. But..."

"I know Rosie, shh" he strokes my hair.

"So you see, these messages, they can't be from him. Our case was quite high profile. It was in the papers, on the news. I think someone is messing with me. Trying to scare me."

He pulls back and wipes away the tears that had spilled from my eyes then holds my face in his hands.

"Two things Rosie. Number one. Get a new phone, change your number okay?"

I nod my head. "If you're right about this then changing your number is what you need to do."

"OK, what's the second thing?"

"You need to tell Beth about all this."

I go to open my mouth but he carries on "I'm serious Rose, you can't keep this kind of thing from her, she's your best friend right? Wont you feel better to talk to someone?"

"Yoongi I told you because I was left with no choice, I thought you were going to walk away from us and I didn't want that to happen, I couldn't let that happen, I love you. But telling Beth is another thing, back home when people found out about it all they looked at me different, they treated me different, even my friends..."

"Rose" he interrupts me. "What did you just say?" He looks shocked as hell.

"I said my friends treated me differently.."

"No, no before that.."

"Yoongi I don't know what you.."

"You said I love you". He looks like a deer caught in a headlight. Shit I did say that didn't I. It was an unconscious thing, it just came out naturally. But, I'm not going to take it back, I've been slowly realising it's the truth.

I look him straight in the eye. "I did say that. I'm sorry but it's the truth"

For a moment I think he's going to turn tail and run. Like fuck this shit I'm out. He stands frozen in front of me but then he pulls me towards him by my waist and kisses me unbelievably softly, as though trying not to break me.

We pull apart and he rests his forehead against mine like he always does. "I thought I told you not to apologise anymore Rosie"

I chuckle. "Fine, I love you Min Yoongi. And I'm not sorry."

He throws his head back and laughs his silent laughter, gummy smile out in full force.

"That's better" he pulls my chin up so we're only a few inches away. "Because I love you too Rosie Johnson and I'm not sorry one fuckin bit".

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