Chapter 3 - Beth

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When the class finishes and I get up to leave I notice Yoongi staring at me again. He quickly looks away when I catch him but he doesn't say anything.

I say a quick goodbye to them both and leave the classroom. My next class is English and I want to actually make it in time for that one.

Thankfully it's not far and once I get my syllabus from the professor I'm one of the first to take a seat. 

One by one people start to trickle in. Namjoon was right, there really is a lot of diversity here, it's actually one of the reasons I chose this college too. The last thing I needed was to stand out, but here at Rockland there are so many international students that I can hopefully just blend in.

"Hi!" a girl plonks down next to me. She has the brightest bubblegum pink hair I have ever seen. It's styled up into space buns and she's wearing a Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt.

"Hi" I greet her.

"I don't recognise you from this class, are you new?" she asks.

"Yeah, today's my first day, I started the semester a couple days late. Oh, am I in someone's seat?" I suddenly realise I should have checked this.

"Ohhhh you're English! Cool! Nope, that seat is free as a bird! I was starting to think I'd have to spend this year talking to myself in this class! I'm Bethany, everyone calls me Beth though".

She's so chirpy! It's hard not to smile at her.

"I'm Rosie".

Beth suddenly empties the majority of her bag onto the desk and starts shuffling through it for makeup.

"Gotta look good in this class you know" she answers my questioning look.

"err... okay... why's that again?"

"the guys!" she answers with a 'duh' expression on her face.

"Like, honestly, there are soooo many good looking guys in this class, it's going to cost me a fortune to keep looking good for it..."

I can't help it, I start laughing.

"What?" she looks a little offended.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I was only thinking this morning that they seem to make the guys different here."

"They do girl! It's like Love Island but on steroids!"

We both start giggling. What the hell is this? I'm giggling with a girl. About guys? This is the kind of normal I was looking for and it makes me happy.

Just then I hear my name shouted across the room. I look over to see Jimin waving at me with a goofy smile on his face. I wave back at him briefly then turn back to Beth who's now staring at me open mouthed mid eyelash curl.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she shout whispers.


"Did Park Jimin just wave at you?"

"err yeah I guess so. He helped me find my first class this morning. Why?"

"Why!?!" Her whispers are getting louder and she's drawing attention to us.

"He's Park fucking Jimin. That's why!"

"And?" I feel like I'm missing something here. Thankfully she's starting to compose herself and speak quieter.

"Look, I know you're new so I'm gonna let you off but Park Jimin is a pretty big deal at Rockland. There's the obvious, like, you know" she gestures in his general direction "... he's hot as fuck".

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