Game Start

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"Ugh... My head..." Ink grumbled, slowly opening his eye sockets.

It took a couple seconds for his vision to clear, but once it did, he felt his soul skip a beat. He was welcomed by empty space of all white, triggering his anxiety at sight.

He went to try to move away out of surprise, struggling to his feet and quickly moving backwards, knocking his skull on a metal pillar behind him. He winced at the pain and hung his head forwards, focusing on his feet to avoid looking at all of the white as he steadied his footing.

Now with all his senses returning to his bones, he could feel cold chains wrapped around his wrists as his arms were trapped, wrapped around the pillar behind him.

He took a second to calm himself and try to get a better understanding of his situation.

Reluctantly, the creator glanced up at the room around him. In front of him, higher up on the wall in one corner, he spotted a camera, while in the other corner he spotted what looked like an aged speaker. His sight then wandered to the ceiling of white tiles, two of the tiles looking more like a trap door of sorts.

He then tried to glance behind himself to see his bound wrists. He looked around the pillar to the best of his ability, straining his neck around the corner of it to just spot one of his bound hands. He tried wiggling free from the chains to no avail, the chains being on too tight and almost completely restraining him.

He was about to try something when an ear piercing screech from the speaker could be heard. He cringed at the sound.

"Testing, one, two. Testing." Came a familiar voice.

Ink turned his gaze back over towards the speaker.

"This is your head scientist, Dr. Catrone, speaking-"

A forgotten hatred arose within the creator, his eye lights becoming the color of blood and taking the shapes of a triangle and a diamond. He no longer just looked at the speaker, but glared at it as well.

"You may be in a state of quandary due to your current situation." Said Dr. Catrone through the speaker. "See, I've been awaiting your presence for a while now, and I just happen to build a camera into the large portal machine here in the lab. So, I've known of your presence in my lab for a while, since the camera sends alerts to my phone when an unknown figure is detected. Clever, yes, I know!"

This surprised Ink. He hadn't even considered the possibility.

"It was ingenious of you to disguise yourselves as scientists. Everyone who saw you bought it. That's why you were able to get into my private laboratory room in the first place." Dr. Catrone continued.
"It appears though that all of those files, entries, and papers of mine were the perfect distraction to set up the trap that brought you here."

"Now, to answer your concerns!" He began a new topic, sounding way too gleeful about it. "No, neither of you are dead, sadly... Just not in the same room."

"This may not concern you, but I enjoy sinister plots and games... Horror and mystery novels always proved my favorites because of this. Hence, I've set up a little game for the two of you while I finish a couple more preparations." Said the head scientist, grinning wickedly on the other side of the speaker as his voice became more grim.

"It's an escape room of sorts- but it's filled with more than puzzles. It includes adverse death traps and even ruined experiments." He told them through the speakers. "You will know you've made it through when you arrive at a modern elevator. If you don't make it, then it's likely because you've died before the grand finale."

"I wouldn't want to make it unfair though. That would be disgraceful of a host like myself-"

The trap doors on the ceiling suddenly opened up, dropping down the creator's giant paint brush.

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