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The sunlight of sunrise leaked into the room from the windows, landing softly on the floor, the bed, the blankets, and the two skeletons that were still asleep.

It was peaceful and quiet, the creator cuddled close to the destroyer, practically on top of him. The upper half of each of the skeletons was visible, the blankets not covering them all the way. This revealed the simple T-shirts each wore, Ink in a tan one and Error in a dark blue.

The mischievous sunlight slowly crossed the destroyer's face. He didn't notice it at first, but it quickly began to bother him, his closed eye sockets twitching as he tried to ignore the sunlight. He soon gave up and slowly opened his eyes, squinting a little as the sunlight hit him.

Now awaken thanks to the sunlight, Error took notice of the extra weight he could feel on his chest. He moved his eye lights downwards to catch sight of the sleeping artist cuddled up close. They weren't like that when they first went to bed, the destroyer could recalled. This only made him smile, a light hue of blush dusting his face.

Adorable like always... Error thought.

He moved one of his hands that lazily laid to the side of his skull, placing it gently on the top of the smaller skeleton's skull. He slowly moved his thumb, lightly petting the other on the head. He felt Ink acknowledged his hand's presence, but soon relax. A small smile and a light rainbow blush came to the creator's face and he attempted to snuggle closer to the destroyer.

Ink enjoyed the other's warmth, and the other stroking the top of his skull made his phantom soul flutter. Small things like this always made the morning pleasant, no matter how early or how late it began.

Error slowly wrapped his other arm around the creator's waist, hugging the other close. He caught glance of the other slowly opening his eye sockets a sliver's way for a second, his eye lights the colors of pink and yellow. Ink's smile grew and his eyes drifted closed again. He was now awake, but knew falling back asleep wouldn't be a challenge with the warmth from his lover.

They laid there a few minutes until the destroyer spoke softy.

"You do know I can't move until you get up, right?" He asked.

Ink only hummed in reply.

Error stifled a laugh before moving his hand off of the other's skull and lightly nudged his side.

"Error-bear, no..." The creator murmured, scooting up, placing his head right under the destroyer's chin, forcing his head up a little, exposing his neck.

The destroyer felt his blush start to darken. The nick name was new, and the action unexpected.

"I don't wanna..." Ink mused.

The creator's breath from the words he spoke tickled Error's neck, causing his soul to flutter and his blush to deepen even more. The destroyer tried to stop himself from blushing but to no avail.

"I wanna stay..."

The words tickled the destroyer's neck again and he felt himself shiver a little. He then felt the other snuggle closer to him.

"Could you stop being so damn cute for five minutes..." Error mumbled.

He felt on of the creator's hands slowly trace his face, stopping on his cheekbone. He caught a glimpse of the creator looking up at him, eye lights a pink and purple heart.

"I guess I could be sexier if you want~" Ink cooed, slowly moving his other hand up the destroyer's chest, watching his hand as he did so, a light blush tinting his cheekbones.

He felt Error tense up at the motion, causing him to look up at the other's face out of curiosity, eye lights changing back to a star and oval. The other's face was the color of the sun rays that leaked into their bedroom; completely yellow. This made Ink laugh and his blush grow more visible, the other's reaction being both amusing and adorable.

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