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A day had passed since the last random destruction and creation. With the news that the threat was still attacking, the creator and destroyer were constantly going through different AUs to make sure it didn't happen again. Meanwhile, at the Star Sanses hideout, Dream was busy trying to debate on which universe could be attacked next, considering the universes that had already been destroyed.

He was stuck with two different universe names of universes actually destroyed, not worrying about other's his brother had tormented with his gang in between... Which some universes had blamed the Multiverse's past destroyer for causing due to rumors being spread.

The two universes were Underfear and Lucktale. The only noticeable similarity both shared were the monsters present and the underground those monsters were trapped in. There were no direct connections Dream could see between the two universes. It was as if the universes were picked at random.

He tapped his finger on the kitchen table as he sat and stared down at the paper with the universes' named in front of him. The paper, beside the names, also contained basic info about each.

"Why those universes..?" He mused.

It made no sense.

Even after rereading the information presented in front of him, there were no connections he could make that would make these universes targets.


He heard a voice from behind him.

"That's the next target."

Dream turned around in his chair, his back facing the kitchen before. He knew he had recognized the voice.

He smiled at the sight of Core Frisk.

"Hello, Core." He greeted. "So, you've figured it out?"

"I witnessed a figure type it down in a report. They stated it was the next target." Core Frisk replied. "I can also inform you that there is something odd about the person behind this. That is all I've been able to see."

"That's better than nothing. Thank you for the help." Dream said with a smile.

"I'm glad I could be of some assistance." The child replied. "If I find more, then I will make note to let you know."

With that, the child of black, gray, and white disappeared.

The guardian of positivity quickly turned back around in his chair, quickly writing down the name Farmtale.

"Now, to tell the others." He stated.

It took about an hour to gather everyone, the only one looking lively out of all of them being Blueberry - which wasn't surprising. They sat around the table in the same seats they usual did, the only difference being the fact that Ink and Error looked about ready to pass out, Ink leaning against Error's shoulder, who held himself up with his right hand, opposite of the shoulder the creator leaned against.

The sight surprised Dream... It was one of the first times he's seen both so exhausted. It made him curious of why, but he was afraid it would be rude to ask.

"So... Which AU?" Ink lazily asked, closing his eye sockets.

"Farmtale." Dream replied... For the third time since he had gathered everyone.

"Really Ink, you need to sleep more!" Blueberry exclaimed.

"I told you I didn't really have the choice..." The creator mumbled a reply.


"LeAve hIm aLone Blue." Error interrupted the over excited skeleton, wrapping his free arm around his lover's waist as he spoke. "It's nOt oUr faUlt we were Kept uP trYinG to fIx the MultIverse."

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