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"Dr. Catrone!" Came a sudden shout as the door to the lounge and coffee room slammed open, causing the head scientist to almost spill the cup of coffee he was pouring himself.

Dr. Catrone quickly set the pot of coffee and coffee mug down next to the coffee machine on a small table. Then he looked over at the large bear scientist that had called his name.

The bear scientist cleared his throat before continuing.

"Sorry... But the creatures you were making," He started to explain. "They just opened their eyes a few minutes ago!"

Surprise mixed with excitement came to Dr. Catrone's face.

"Really?" He asked. "I was expecting that to happen tomorrow by the results I've been getting... We need to hurry!"

The head scientist quickly moved passed the bear scientist and started running down the hallway towards the lab room where the experiments would be located. The bear scientist stood in shock for a moment before following after him.

Upon entering the lab room containing the tubes, Dr. Catrone watched all of his fellow scientists in the room about to stand up and start asking questions. He put up a hand, signaling them to remain in their seats and hold their questions.

He hurried over to the master computer in the room and started to plug in new commands so all would go smoothly. He looked up over at the skeleton creatures he had made, both had their eye sockets opened up wide, one having pink ones with a yellow star and circle eye light, and the other having more of a dull yellow colored eye sockets with red circles as eye lights.

Once the computer processed the information, the liquid inside each tube began to drain. Meanwhile, the head scientist started barking orders.

"Dr. Mary? Go fetch the clothing in lab room 150! Dr. Calbor, go with her to fetch it." He commanded.

"Right sir!" Both of the doctors, who he had called, replied.

Both of them quickly left the room.

"Dr. Garret, handle Dr. Mary's station."

"Will do, Dr. Catrone." Replied a brown furred dog monster, standing up from her desk and hurrying over to Dr. Mary's desk.

Seconds later, all of the liquid had flowed out of the tubes and had safely lowered the creatures to their tubes' bottom. The few wires attached to the creatures then broke off of them, leaving the the tubes as the only captivity left.

At first, both of the creatures only looked around. Their eyes flickering from object to object in the room, themselves, and their near surroundings. Their eyes eventually met each other's, which the head scientist noticed as he watched from afar.

The two creatures stared at each other for about a minute, clearly noticing similarities between themselves. Both creatures then went back to looking around the room. Within seconds, both had recognized the other monsters in the room as other living beings, once again finding interest. That was when the one with the defected skull, known as 1.1 to Dr. Catrone, stood up from where he had sat on the bottom of his tube.

The skeleton kept his balance and approached the front of the tube. All of the scientists in the room watched the creature in amazement. Dr. Catrone soon began to smirk, he had managed to make them older than newborns, yet young enough to be gullible and innocent children.

The skeleton placed his hands on the tube and looked out at the other monsters who had begun to talk among themselves. The skeleton narrowed his pink eye sockets as he stared at the other monsters, trying to understand his current situation. Meanwhile, the other skeleton, known as 1.2, had stumbled to his feet and repeated the action of the other by placing his hands on his tube and looking out at all of the monsters.

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