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Back in 1.1 and 1.2's room, 1.2 had been given something he didn't expect; a pair of a green glasses with circular lenses, and no earpieces. Dr. Mary had just brought them in, with a case to go with them.

Presently, the skeleton examined them as he held them in his hands. He then put them on, special built in technology making sure they stayed stuck on his skull. Once they were on, he blinked. He almost appeared in awe at how much clearer the world around him had become. All small details were now visible when they were difficult to see before.

"How do they fit?" Dr. Mary asked, standing in front of the skeleton who stood in the middle of the room.

"Th-they fit fine." 1.2 replied, continuing to look around.

"I'm glad." Dr. Mary said with a smile. "Dr. Catrone took a real gamble at having them made without exact measurements of your skull."

She then reached into one of her lab coat pockets, pulling out a small make-up compact. She opened it up, holding the mirror half to the skeleton so 1.2 could view his reflection. He slowly lifted up a hand to one of the frames surrounding a lens. Then he smiled and giggled to himself. He liked the coloring, and the shape too seemed perfect to him.

He then turned around to look over at his brother who sat on his bed, fidgeting with a Rubiks cube.

"Hey, One, what do you think?" 1.2 asked.

1.1 lifted up his head to look over at his brother. He seemed a little surprised by how much the glasses changed the other's appearance.

"They... look good." 1.1 replied. "What are they for?"

"Huh... Something to do with my eye sockets, right Auntie Mary?" 1.2 questions his reply, looking up behind himself at Dr. Mary for reassurance.

She gave a nod and a smile.

"That's right." She began. "They make everything far away look clearer since your vision is weaker than the average monster. Kinda like mine, and Dr. Catrone's."

1.2 smiled at finding himself correct in recalling what was quickly explained to him earlier.

"Is my vision average then?" 1.1 asked.

"Yes, it is." Dr. Mary replied. "Which is why glasses weren't necessary for you."

1.1 didn't give any other response, returning his attention back to the cube he held in his hands, almost all sides one color each.

"Now, there's something I'd like to let you two know about." Dr. Mary began.

1.2 quickly spun around to face her.

"What is it, Auntie Mary?" He asked, curiosity showing in his eyes.

Meanwhile, 1.1 finished yet another side of the cube before looking up from it.

"Early tomorrow morning, you two will start special training to work on your magic." Dr. Mary explained. "The training will last about a week, from what I've been told. Once that it done, Dr. Catrone told me he has something unique planned for you both."

"Really?!" 1.2 exclaimed. "Like what?"

"He sadly didn't tell me more than that, so I can't answer that question." Dr. Mary replied, looking a little disappointed herself. "I guess it's all part of the surprise."

"Waiting is so hard though..." 1.2 complained, pouting a little.

"Magic makes up every monster, right?" 1.1 asked from where he sat.

"Why, yes." Said the goat monster scientist with a smile. "It certainly does... It makes up the monster's soul that forms the monster. Basic monster genetics."

"I thought so..." 1.1 replied. "I read something about it out of one of the books on the book shelf."

"So, every monster has magic..?" 1.2 questioned. "Then what's yours, Auntie Mary?"

"O-oh, mine?"


"Well..." Dr. Mary began. "Mine is a little unique..."

She lifted up a hand, a pinkish light coming to it. In front of her then formed a small song bird out of pink dust. Both skeletons watched the creature in curiosity. After it flew across the room, it appeared to phase through the wall.

"Whoops!" Dr. Mary exclaimed, letting out a nervous laugh as she lowered her once glowing hand. "Someone besides us may have seen that..."

"W-was that an actual bird?" 1.1 asked. "I-it just- why could it go through the wall?!"

Dr. Mary let out a laugh at the reaction. It took her a minute to calm herself before explaining.

"N-no, that wasn't a real bird." She replied. "Real birds can't go through walls, while fake birds can. My magic allows me to create illusions of living things, big, small, hairy- as long as it's a living organism."

"Woah... Really?" 1.2 asked.

"Yes, really." Stated the goat monster scientist. "Once I get to know the both of you a bit more, then I could even create illusions of you."

"That's so cool!" 1.2 exclaimed.

"That's kinda creepy... Don't you think?" 1.1 asked, his expression showing his slight disturbance.

"Perhaps so," Dr. Mary began. "But then again, it can be used in the most challenging situations to bring out the most wonderful of outcomes for the user. It's a simple mind game that can change many things..."

"Really..? Seems interesting." 1.1 mused, looking back down at the cube in his hands, slowly continuing his work on solving it.

"What do you think our magic will be like?" 1.2 asked. "Will it be as cool as yours?"

The scientists laughed.

"I have a feeling both of yours magic will be much cooler than mine." She replied. "And I can't wait to see what you both are capable of."

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