Spy Mission

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A mission of stealth was nothing new to the creator and destroyer. At this point, they've hidden in too many AUs to count. The only one's not used to it as much were Dream and Blueberry, who had decided they would help keep watch for the wanted skeleton, knowing that this universe had plenty of space considering all the cities included in its Surface. It was relieving that they only had to worry about the Surface and it's emptied Underground and not have to search other planets, like they would if the attack was planned to be in Outertale. Glitchtale didn't include alien life in its design.

At first, Dream was hesitant about letting Blueberry come along for obvious reasons, but he caved in at being reminded how big this AU was. He just had to hope the other wouldn't blow their cover.

Presently, Ink and Error walk down empty alleyways in the large city. Luckily for them, the world wasn't ending yet, the human known as Betty still not having not met Frisk in this timeline. This factor alone made hiding easier for them since everything was still intact.

They tried to stay out of busier sidewalks and streets, watching from the shadows.

The two came to a stop at the exit of an alleyway to a main road. They stopped on opposite sides of the alleyway walls, leaning against the bricks the walls were made of. They kept watch of the busy street and stores in front of them.

"So, what's our plan if we find them?" Error asked.

"I'm not really certain myself... Sure, the plan is to follow the skeleton, but I don't know if we should scare him first and then follow, or if we let him destroy first..." Ink replied, his eye lights flashing to a green swirl and blue oval to show his worry.

Error thought about it a moment, crossing his arms, before making a decision.

"Let's try scaring them and following first." He replied, looking over at the over.

Ink returned the gaze.


He cut himself off at the feeling of something being of the AU destroyed by out of place magic. The feeling quickly went numb, leaving as if it was never there.

"They're here." Stated the creator, eye lights changing to a star and orange exclamation mark.

He moved to a more central position in the opening of the alleyway leading to the street. He blinked and his eye lights went back to their normal oval and star.

Ink carefully scanned the area with his eyes. That's when screaming started coming from down the left side of the street.

Without a second thought, he bolted out of the alleyway and down the middle of the street, causing cars to slam on their breaks as he cut them off.

"Idiot!" Error mused, quickly taking off after him, causing the drivers to keep their vehicles still.

The other was faster than him, so he struggled to catch up. Even with being behind, he could see a building further down the street burst into flame. Then a shadowed figure jumped away from it, using their strings to swing across and to a building on the other sides.

Cars were stopped at random in the street, a few piled up. Monsters and humans alike screamed in terror and ran. Meanwhile, further up the road and closer to the flames, the creator and destroyer spotted Dream trying to calm people down to make evacuation smoother. Not far from him, they could see Blueberry trying to help those injured, that he could reach, get to someplace safer.

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