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As predicted, the machine had been completed by the end of the week.

Now a day into a new week, the machine was ready to be used, ready for its ultimate test.
First though, other planning had to be made...

"So, who's going to that laboratory?" Sci asked.

All of the skeletons stood around the machine that wasn't yet running, getting decisions off the table.

"Error and I can go." Said the creator with a confident smile, subconsciously intertwining one of his hands in the closest one of the destroyer's.

"Let us come with you as well." Dream added, a determined look on his face. "You know how dangerous it could be, and the more the merrier."

"You guys can't." Ink stated. "You two have to stay here just in case Nightmare and his gang attack some AU while we're gone. We have no clue how long it will take, and putting the Multiverse in more danger isn't something I want to do."

Dream let out a quiet sigh.

"Okay... You make a fair point." He reluctantly agreed. "Just try to be careful."

"He'lL bE fInE." Error stated. "It's nOt lIke hE's gOinG alOne."

"What's that supposed to mean..?" The creator questioned.

"Nothing." The destroyer replied with a small smirk as he glanced over at the other.

"Don't worry Dream, I'm sure they will be fine." Blueberry chimed in, then turned his gaze over to the creator and destroyer.
"We'll make sure nothing bad happens when you two are gone!"

The guardian of positivity smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Good, that's cleared up." Said Sci, making his way over to the computer panel on the side of the machine.

He began to type in some information, the information being a small strand of the Void's code. Once done, he tapped a few more of the buttons before hitting the portal summon key.

A blast of energy went through the room, being felt in every monster's bones in the surrounding area and even other parts of the lab. Within the time of the blast, a portal of a pastel rainbow filled in the archway built for one person to pass through at a time.

Sci clicked a couple more buttons on the computer pad, stabilizing the portal to the best of his ability, then he straightened his posture. He pushed up his glasses and read the stats on the small computer screen. All seemed well according to what was on the screen.

Ink approached first, curious, letting go of Error's hand. Once close enough, he stuck a hand through the portal, waving his hand around and wiggling his fingers. To him, it felt normal.

"Everything seem alright?" Sci asked.

"Yeah, it feels normal." The creator replied with a smile.

He turned back around to face Error.

"Ready to go make a surprise visit?" He jokingly asked.

"Guess so." The destroyer replied, stepping to stand beside the other. "They better not be wanting a warm greeting. We both know how I feel about socializing."

Ink stifled a laugh at the other's joke. He looked behind himself and waved farewell, then stepped through the portal, Error stepping in after.

Just as hoped, the larger portal built within the laboratory hidden within the Void turned on, summoning a portal of its own. From this portal, Ink and Error stepped out in one piece and unharmed. Once through, the creator quickly looked over himself, making sure all went accordingly.

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