[11] First Birthday I

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Kakashi pov

"I'm a horrible brother..." I sulked sitting on the floor and facing the wall beside sensei.

"You aren't. You still have a week to go Kakashi." Minato sensei chuckled shaking his head at me while signing papers.

"But I don't know what to do..." I sulked more burying my face into my knees.

"Ah, I'm sure Kushina will be able to help."

"But Kushina-san needs rest..."

"She's pregnant Kakashi, not helpless. Yes she'll rest more but I'm sure asking for help won't be a problem." Sensei patted my head probably amused that one of his strongest ANBU was sitting beside him, moping about not knowing how to plan birthday parties.

"Ugh...this is going to be lots of work isn't it?"

"Hai~!" I groaned "Where is Megumi-chan by the way?"

"Oh. Kurenai ambushed me and stole Gummi from me." I sighed "Well, I suppose that's a good thing since it lets me go around to plan for her birthday.." I sighed ruffling my hair.

"So you have no plans at all?"

"Gummi is only turning one. She's not going to remember this but I do want it to be special. After all, it's been a whole year since I've gotten her."  Once again sensei patted me on my head this time though he wore a big smile on his face.

"I'm proud of you Kakashi. You've come so far!" He beamed at me more.

"Sensei...you're blinding me.."


"I was wondering how long it'd take you to ask for help!" Kushina-san smiled at me.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Of course I do! But first, tell me who you're inviting."

"Asama, Kurenai, Guy, sensei and you. Maybe Mikoto-san if she would like to come as well "

"Then a picnic. We can have a picnic in the forest! Old man Sarutobi can join to! Hmm, I'm sure Mei-chan would like playing outside for her birthday, ya know?"

"Okay. I can buy some dangos as treats for her, I can also bake the cake myself." I nodded throwing out ideas.

"And I'll cook!" Kushina-san clapped her hands smiling happily "See, planning wasn't so hard, ya know? Now go and invite your friends make sure they have next week off." I nodded standing to leave.

Of course I checked on Gummi first. Kurenai was at my house where I found them both sound asleep in Gummi's playpen. I smiled gently seeing Gummi holding tightly to the panda bear. I stealthily made my way over to her, quickly planted a kiss to her cheeks then made my escape through the opened window.

I'll tell Kurenai later. Alright...time to find some people...


"OF COURSE I WILL HAVE TIME FOR MEI-CHAN!!" Guy yelled striking a pose. I sighed covering my face with my hands.

"Guy, you'll make me deaf if you continue to yell."

"Ah. My apologies Kakashi!" I groaned as he did it again.

"Stop saying my name so weirdly you weirdo." I sighed passing my hand down my masked face. I turned to leave but stopped "Remember, Wednesday at 10 o'clock okay?"

"Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Good. Cause if you do I'll set you on fire." I patted his shoulder giving him a closed eye smile. He gulped laughing nervously.

I left Guy there walking around until I made it to Asama. He was on a rooftop watching the sky. Looked like he now returned from a mission and was now relaxing.

"Asama." I greeted him as I sat beside him.

"Kakashi, what brings you here?" He glanced over to me.

"I wanted to invite you and Kurenai to Gummi's birthday party."

"When is it?"


"Sure I'll come. Did you ask Kurenai yet?"

"She is currently asleep at my house with Gummi after kidnapping her from me." He chuckled

"Sounds like something she'd do." I chuckled along.

"So what's the theme of the party?"

"Ah...we're simply doing a picnic for her. I doubt she'll remember this one but since it's her first, I still want it to be a good one."

"Heh...you look so sappy right now."

"I can still kick your ass." He burst into laughter.


"Ohayo, Mikoto-san. Sorry if I'm bothering you but Kushina-san would kill me if I don't ask you as well." She chuckled

"Of course, ask away Kakashi-san." I nodded glancing to Itachi watching me from beside his mother.

"Megumi's birthday is Wednesday coming and we wanted to know if you'd like to join us? We'll be having a picnic for her birthday." She gasped eyes sparkling.

"Oh! Sounds like fun I'd be happy to join!"

"I am against it. You are in your last month of pregnancy who knows when the baby shall arrive?" Fugaku-sama appeared a frown and glare clear on his face.

I thought Mikoto-san would sigh and agree with him instead I felt the air turn cold and shivered. She gave him such a glare as she turned to face him, a smile also present on her face.

"Hah? Are you telling me to not join Mei-chan's birthday party cause I'm pregnant?" Fugaku-sama sweat dropped.

"Ah, no that's not-"

"That's what you're implying. I know I'm in my last month. I am the one carrying him afterall. However, I am not helpless and he's not due until next month. June is barely starting. I am going to Mei-chan's birthday and you will not stop me."

"Do as you wish." Fugaku-sama nodded unbridled and unspoken fear of his pregnant wife shown ever so slightly in his eyes.

"Wahh!! Thank you dear! Itachi, would you like to join me as well?" Her mood switched as she faced her four years old son. Itachi nodded. I sweat dropped smiling a closed eye smile.

"Ah, then I'll leave now. See you Wednesday Mikoto-san, Itachi." I bowed quickly standing and leaving the Uchiha compund.

Pregnant women are scary. Keep fighting, sensei!

I internally prayed for sensei knowing he also goes through trouble with Kushina-san. If she was scary before, she's terrifying now. I sighed, now to go get the ingredients to make a cake.

I wonder...which flavor should I make for her?

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