[2] Trying

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Third pov

Kakashi finally made it home with the tiny baby, still sleeping, in his arms. He struggled a bit to open the door before he managed and went inside. At first he just stood there not knowing what to do, how to act, his mind was everywhere and nowhere and it frustrated him. Since he was home, he pulled his mask from his face and proceed to set the baby on the couch.

He moved fast, placing cushions and pillows all around her as she rested on her stomach on top of a blanket but that was as far as he knew what to do. Sighing he sat on the floor facing the baby and just...staring. A sudden shiver went down his back making him turn to see he had left the door slightly opened.

Huffing at his scattered brain Kakashi looked to the sleeping baby and got up to close and lock his door. Once he did that he found he couldn't lift his legs to move. Kakashi's head banged the door as he dropped forward, he closed his eyes trying to pull himself together.

What am I doing!? I, I can't take care of a baby! What is sensei thinking!? Why? Why does he have so much faith in me that he thinks I can watch over a baby!? I- his thoughts were cut short by a loud cry.

Kakashi jumped spinning around with two kunais at hand ready to attack. He looked around quickly before it registered in his mind that it was just the baby crying. Kakashi sighed a bit relived before he placed his kunai away and made his way over to the wailing baby.

"Alright, alright. I'm right here you know, stop crying." Kakashi grumbled as he bent down to gently picked her up. He now sat on the couch where she once lay with her on his chest. He leaned back on the couch a bit, so hopefully she'd be more comfortable.

She's so..small... Kakashi hummed rubbing her back gently. Slowly he moved his hand off her back and into her still curled hands. And chubby. Kakashi was so focused on how chubby and small her hands were that he started to very gently play with her fingers.

For some reason that seemed to stop the crying, which was a relief for Kakashi's ears, but then she began to squirm. Kakashi huffed about to shift his position so she'd stop moving when he was the one who stopped

His breath left him as the baby in his arms finally opened her eyes. Honestly, it wasn't anything special, it wasn't two coloured or bright, and it didn't have any kind of special design and yet... his breath was taken away. Faded blue eyes bordering onto silver stared up at him with so much curiosity swimming in them. So much innocence.

This baby didn't know who this guy was, where she was, how old he was, if he was her father or not, all she knew was that she felt warm in his arms and that made her happy. So happy that she began to make baby noises at him as her legs kicked out, like she was trying to climb up to be closer to his face. Her eyes never left his and the sheer happiness in her eyes at seeing him had Kakashi stunned.

He was so stunned in fact that tears escaped his eyes. Immediately she stopped moving eyes wide with innocent wonder about why this gaint of a person was crying while staring at her. And the answer to that was simple. So simple, he didn't know the answer to it either.

Finally catching himself Kakashi wiped away his tears and stood up. He checked the time deeming it late and moved to his bed. He gently set the baby up on a pillow and placed two more on either sides of her. Once he made sure she wasn't going to roll over or in any direction he moved to quickly take a shower, fastest shower of his life, and place on some sleeping clothes. He retrieved the other pillows from the couch then moved them to the baby's side of the bed, he was going to be on the other side anyway.

He quickly checked her biaper, changed it, then placed her into a frilly navy blue dress, or top? He couldn't tell cause she was so tiny that a top might as well be a dress on her. Once they were both settled Kakashi climbed in bed to her right. He lifted her to place her in the center of the bed with the pillows on her left.

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