[48.5] Kankuro and Gaara

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Third pov

Megumi was taking a break. Between summoning, mastering her kekkei genkai with Neji and learning wood style on her own- cause everyone else sucked at teaching it!- the girl needed a break.

One that everyone insisted she went on, and by everyone I mean only Naruto Neji and Jiraiya. Her exams was 2 days away and she was training herself into the ground every time. When Neji found she trained for a week straight he tracked her chakra down and forced her to rest. It was the only thing he and Naruto communicated well with. 


Naruto only ever spoke to the boy when it came to asking if Megumi ate or not and Neji would give him short answers so they didn't have to talk much. Jiraiya and Megumi found this mildly amusing. Plus the sannin had proven to be a great sparing partner. While Naruto struggled with his summoning Megumi stole Jiraiya from his 'research' and forced  him into fighting her. He quickly realized she'd fight him with the intent to kill and after two hits landed he gave her the spar she wanted.

She has yet to win one but she knows she's improved. Be it her reflexes, her prediction and her learning once more to rely on all her heightened senses, Jiraiya was a tricky one after all. At the end of their sparring he'd ask her what her summoning was, she still wouldn't tell him. Jiraiya was also an easy genjutsu target. He fell for the woman genjutsu every time, broke out of it and fell for it again only to wind up weeping as it wasn't real. 

Megumi was rather proud of herself for that. Every time Jiraiya had looked through the bushes and saw women he was caught in a genjutsu of the same women there bathing and playing, he noticed and just didn't care until he had to break it and focus on Naruto before he jumped head first into the genjutsu again. Megumi had given him a good punch to his head when she realized he was activating it on purpose. Of course all the ero-sannin did was compliment how real her genjutsu was since he didn't have a nack for it.

Even today while she was on break she shifted the genjutsu she placed in the bush and it was currently active. 

"Oh when I go back and get my hands on that ero-sannin..." Megumi had a dark aura around her, her eyes twitching in annoyance as she glared at the ground, until she walked into someone.

"Oi! Watch where-" their eyes met and Megumi recognized the boy on the floor

"Oh, it's you. Sand ninja, um...Kenatro!"

"Kankuro..." he sweat dropped 

"Oh, gomen..." Megumi offered her hand to him which he took. When Megumi hoisted him up a squeak left him as he didn't expect for her to pull him up so fast and easy. He stumbled forward, knocking into Megumi who thankfully kept them upright.

"Woah, gomen. You okay?" Kankuro opened his eyes blushing instantly as pale blue eyes stared up into his own. Megumi was still holding onto his hand, her other was wrapped around his back and if either of them moved any closer, they'd kiss. All of this went thought the boy's mind and his face turned red.

Once again he screamed, jumping away and trying his best to rid the blush on his face

"I, I'm fine! Are you fine? I mean good? Are you good? Are you okay? I mean you didn't fall or anything but like I bumped into you and I think I stepped on your foot. I mean did I?" he was rambling. All Megumi could do was blink in confusion before she snorted and giggled. 

"Calm down Kankuro-san, I'm okay. Hey, since you look like you were exploring the village would you like to join me for a snack? I'm going to eat dangos!" Megumi gave him a smile not helping the least in the situation but at least he was calm-ish for now.

"Uh..um s, sure...?"

"Great! Let's go!" and she took his arm dragging the poor teen with her.


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