[3] I can't

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Third pov

Kakashi was regretting his entire existence right now. Why? Because all the old women and mothers would stop him just so they could coo at her and tell him ten different ways to be a good big brother. Each of them had so many tips for him, he felt exhausted just listening to them. And if that wasn't bad enough Guy, his so called rival, had spotted him.

Right then and there Kakashi wished he was invisible. Maybe if he ignored him he'd go away...


Kakashi dropped his head in defeat, before he looked up and side stepped the teen from tackling him. He glared down at Guy.

"Don't do that, you'll harm her." He spoke vaguely as he went back to picking fruits, keeping his back hidden from the teen clad in green.

"As perceptive as always! And might I ask, who's her? Did you come here with someone?" Guy shot up. Acting like he wasn't just on the ground and covered in dirt as he looked around.

"Something like that..." Kakashi looked away paying for the fruits and began to walk away. Guy followed still looking around at everyone to decipher where this 'her' is.

"So my friend, where have you been?"

"At home."

"So who is this her? And are we not waiting on her?"

"No, she's already with us."

"I see! So are you up for a challenge today!?"


"Is that so? Well the challenge is-"

"Guy, I can't do your challenges today. I have to watch over her."

"Backing down is so un-youthful! I bet if you explain she will let you go, whoever this 'she' is!" Guy smiled. Kakashi stared not saying anything before he sighed.

"Think so huh...? Then ask her yourself."

"I will! Now where is your youthful lass?" With a sigh and knowing he was going to regret this, Kakashi pointed to his back.

"Behind me."

"Huh?" Confused Guy turned to look back but saw no one. He searched to see if the girl had stopped but when he didn't spot anyone he turned to tell Kakashi only to be left gaping. The silver haired teen was a bit in front of him but his eyes weren't  on the silver haired teen, it was on the silver haired baby.

"KAKAASHHII!!!" Guy bolted towards the boy "DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A BABY ON YOUR BACK!? Guy held onto his friends' shoulder stopping him from moving.

"Hai, Guy...I know." Kakashi was so over this day.

"I didn't know you had a daughter! How could you not tell me sooner? I thought we were closer than this!? Am I not-" Kakashi hit the spandex wearing teen on his head silencing him.

"Guy, shut up..." Kakashi had to take a breath before he continued "She's not my daughter. She's- I'm just watching her for Hokage-sama for a bit, I'm giving her back probably later.." Kakashi looked away after, somehow unable to meet his friend's eyes. A pang hit his chest at that. It wasn't a lie, just not the full truth.

"Oh. But she looks so much like you! And she's adorable, the youthfulness in her is spectacular!" Guy smiled moving behind the older silver haired teen to play and make faces at the baby. "So, what's her name?"

Kakashi almost seemed to sulk at the question. He spent whole day yesterday trying names and none seemed to suit her for his liking.

"Ah, I forgot to ask so I don't know."

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