[50] Chunnin Exam Finals

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Third pov

"G, Gomen..." Sitting on the floor on his knees with his head bowed was Matsukawa he had woken up and Megumi was the first glare he was greeted with.

It took so many days and tireless nights for medical ninjas to recover them from Itachi's genjutsu that they passed out right on the spare beds besides the boys. Osamu and Samurai was estimated to wake up a bit later today but since Matsukawa is the one awake now, Megumi would scold him first.

"Do you plan on doing this nonsense again?" The nonsense she meant was taunting Itachi. Honestly, what made him believe that just because the Uchiha doesn't show his emotions, he doesn't have any? And to taunt him about Megumi and Sasuke?


Best way to say it. It got his ass beaten, and who told him to go back for the ex- ANBU? Well, Itachi's partner had a time with him before Itachi himself locked him in a genjutsu.

"I just wanted to make sure..."

"Of what?" Matsukawa looked off to the side looking like he was pouting slightly. Matsukawa mumbled something to himself before he sighed.

"I wanted to make sure that, he still cared for you. I couldn't read the letter so I don't know what was in it. I didn't know if he was threatening you or not, so..." Megumi felt appreciated. She was very happy that Matsukawa thought of her

"I'm glad you were worried for me sensei. But next time..." Her face got covered in a shadow with her silver eyes staring into his soul right before he got knocked on his head "DON'T GO OFF ON YOUR OWN!"

"Is she an ANBU...?"

"Oh no, she's just in their team. She now bacame a jounin..."

"Ah, is Megumi-chan scolding them again?"

"Only Mole." The ANBU watching the two were quite accustomed to the heavy attack and stealth team's youngest member just showing up and scolding them.

The older veterans were accustomed to this sight, having no choice but to because somehow Megumi could by pass their genjutsu, even when she was eight. It's like she could lock onto her teammates chakra signature and find them regardless of where they are.

"What time is it?"

"Ah, 9 o'clock. Why?"

"Oh. I'm late! I'll deal with Samu and Mura later. I have my brother's to cheer on. " With that a log replaced Megumi.

"You good Mole?" Matsukawa face planted as an answer.


Megumi made it to the stands. The final event was now happening and everyone was excited.

"Oh, Megumi-chan!" Shakura and Ino looked up at the girl who looked troubled "Is something wrong?"

"Uh, who's fighting first?"

"Oh. Naruto and the Hyuuga boy, Neji." Instantly Megumi fell to her knees sulking.

"How...how am I supposed to cheer for them both!?" Everyone that heard her sweat dropped. Megumi remained on the floor weeping until she shot up with a gasp "Oh!" Her sudden and quick movement surprised some of the citizens around her.

Megumi made a one hand sign and with a puff of smoke a clone of her appeared.

"You cheer Neji on. I'll cheer Naruto." The two nodded at each other then turned.

"You can do it Neji!"
"Kick his ass Ruru!" They cheered on the loudest. Naruto smiled giving his sister a thumbs up as Neji sighed.

This girl...he truly had no words for his friend. But did he like it. That answer will be taken to his grave.

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