[14.5] Tiny Sasu

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Bit of a filler, but finally! Here's Sasuke!

Itachi pov

"Tiny. Tiny Sasu!" I blinked looking over to see Megumi over by mother and Sasuke. She was poking his cheek as she stared down at him. Sasuke squealed back reaching up to her.

"I think he likes you." Okaa-san words made Megumi beam and smile widely

"Wahh! I like the tiny Sasu too!" She smiled and Sasuke giggled grabbing onto her hair. "Oh?" Megumi stayed still allowing Sasuke to do whatever he wanted with her hair.

"Oh, Itachi! Okairi!" I smiled slightly at kaa-san.


"Tachi-kun!" Megumi waved at me still not moving her head as Sasuke was happily playing with her silver hair.

"Hello, Megumi. Did you come to watch over Sasuke while I was gone?" I took my shoes off going over to them.

"Mhm! I'm a big girl! I ca hep." I smiled

"Can, help."

"I..can...help?" I nodded receiving a wide grin from her.

"Hm? You're back early." Tou-san appeared. I nodded.

"Hai. I almost ran. I wanted to see Sasuke." Tou-san chuckled without smiling at my answer shaking his head and going back to his work.

How he does that is strange. Don't people usually smile, even if it's a little bit when they chuckle or laugh? Perhaps something is wrong with tou-san.

"Tachi! Play with us!" I looked over to Megumi to see her sitting in front of kaa-san with Sasuke in her baby arms.

I smiled at the sight going over to them and sitting opposite Megumi. I gently took Sasuke from her and the moment he saw me he gave me a toothless grin, laughing happily.

"Hai, I missed you too." I smiled down at my otouto snuggling him slightly.

"Itachi, how was school today? Anything new?" Kaa-san asked once she stopped swooning that is.

"Hai. We threw kunai today. I hit all my targets. I think I still need practice though." Kaa-san smiled brightly at me clasping her hands together.

"That's wonderful! You're going to be a star soon!" I nodded going back to paying attention to Megumi and Sasuke who were entertaining each other.

I hope this peace will last.


"Tachi-nii, can Tiny Sasu not move?" I chuckled reaching over to gently poke Megumi's forehead

"He's only two months old, Megumi-chan. He can't move around yet." Her eyebrows shot up as she made that 'o' face.

Our attention went to Sasuke as he began to squirm and was about to cry. I went to comfort him when I saw the look on Megumi's face. So I waited what she was thinking and what she would do.

She crawled over, dropping herself beside Sasuke who by now was full-blown crying. She reached out, her silver-blue eyes soft as she never looked away from Sasuke. Slowly she began to rub Sasuke's hair softly and eventually she gained his attention.

"Sshh...it 'kay. Nee-chan is here. You are swave Tiny Sasu." Sasuke whimpered staring up at her so she leaned her forehead onto his "I am here." I sighed, happy with how she got him to stop crying.

So much so he fell asleep. She followed right after keeping her hand on his head. I chuckled getting up to quickly and quietly get a blanket for them.

When I returned Sasuke's head was on Megumi's palm, in which she herself lay on her back sleeping soundly. I covered them laying beside Megumi, lifting her head so she can rest on my palm too.

You're both so small... I moved a strand of hair away from her face. I hope you two stay this close as you grow. That is my wish... I fell asleep.

Third pov

Mikoto silently squealed when she saw the sight of the three children sleeping. She rushed away to drag Fugaku out of his office so he too can see. 

"They're precious." all Fugaku could do was hum in agreement with his wife.

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