[Special] Late birthday party

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Not the update you wanted but still an update, right? (I've already started on the next one don't worry so much)

Third pov

[Set after the end of the 2nd chunnin| jounin exams and a week after Sasuke woke up. ]


"I can't believe you forgot..." Kakashi stared down at a paper white Naruto who had frozen upon the mention of them having a late birthday party for Megumi. 

"No, I believe it. He's Naruto after all." Sasuke shoved the blonde to get him out of his shock rolling his eyes as Naruto fell face first to the floor then shot up after, ready to yell.

"Oi, teme you forgot too! You were doing the exams with me, and not once did you mention ane's birthday!" 

"I didn't think I'd needed to. Next time I'll remember to remind you."

"Enough you two. We all missed her birthday because of the exams. Taking a day off of training should be okay to make up for it to Megumi."

"Are you trying to use us as an excuse for not telling nee-chan happy birthday because you forgot too?" Naruto narrowed his eyes at the jounin before him. Kakashi raised his book and turned to the side waving his student off.

"Ahah, you make me sound bad. I hadn't forgotten, she was just not home. Besides, I already have a gift for her."

"Hn. The boys are still asleep and her sensei isn't here who can we invite?" Sasuke for one wasn't that unhappy about the situation the boys were in. He didn't like them much anyway.

"Her godparents are already invited."

"Busy brows knows nee-chan. His teammate too, Neji." Naruto scowled "I don't like him, but he's a friend of ane, dattebayo."

"I believe the girl on that team knows her also."

"Oh! Sakura-chan! I guess Shikamaru and Choji would like to come too..."

"We should invite all the rookies."

"Oh, so we do have people to invite." 

"Oh yeah, Konohamaru likes nee-chan too. We can invite him and ji-san I guess. But Absolutely do not, invite his sensei! I don't want that closet pervert anywhere near my aneki!"

"He's a what?"

"I tell you later teme." Kakashi chuckled. 

Elsewhere, Ebisu sneezed and shivered. He looked around no one was near him and he sensed no chakra signatures. What's with this odd feeling? Shrugging it off for now the ninja continued to teach a very bored Konohamaru.

"Alright you two. After you invite everyone you want to your job is to keep your eyes on Megumi. Asuma, Kurenai and I will finish set things up." Kashi closed his book. "Do everything you can to keep her away from home okay?"

"Hn. That's easy."


"Woah...That was so cool do it again ane!" Naruto ran towards Megumi after she did a high kick to a dummy hanging from a tree. She basically did a split while standing and it amazed Naruto.

See, easy... Sasuke admits he was impressed but he has to focus and make sure Naruto didn't -

"Yeah, we're tasked to watch you because - wah!" Sasuke kicked the blonde in his side irritation in his eyes.

"Because we're worried." Megumi raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't have to kick him for that Sasu, and why are you worried?"

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