[44] Orochimaru!

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Megumi pov

My head was spinning from the message. Sasuke, Sasuke was in danger! As a matter or fact, all of team 7 was!! Even though the letter was burned I remember the words clearly.

Hello Mei-chan,

It has been a while. A very long one. I trust that you're safe and that Sasuke is still safe under your watchful eyes. I truly wish I could see how they looked now. They were very beautiful to gaze upon.  I hope this message reaches you safely, it was rather easy trapping your teammates under my genjutsu. They fell prey to five or so before I did an actual attack on them.

Now, onto what I really wrote to you for. Orochimaru came to the organization I am in. He was my partner for some time but after his failed attempt at attacking me he departed. I don't know his whereabouts but as I heard of th chuunin exams upcoming I knew he'd take this opportunity to strike.  Megumi, Orochimaru is someone I never wished for you to meet or face. However you will have no choice. As he is after the sharingan. He sort after my eyes and as he couldn't get them he will go after the last person to have them. Sasuke. 
Sasuke wants power, this exam will show him whether or not he lacks it. And if he faces Orochimaru then he'll be offered more. Orochimaru has his ways, I believe you know of some from Anko. Watch over our foolish little brother, Mei-chan. 

And be careful. When he sees you, there's no telling what Orochimaru may do or how he may act.

Please be safe, my little dango.



I clicked my tongue in annoyance once more as I stopped before the forest of death. I looked around but Anko and the other examiners weren't here. Frowning I saw the gates opened which means the test was still in progress. I closed my eyes trying to see who I'd sense firs- there! I ran into the forest turning a bit to the left as I jumped onto the trees.

"If you try to stop my enjoyment..." I paused looking up seeing Anko on her knees "Believe that the leaf village is finished..." sinking into the root of a tree was a paler than should be normal man. right as his head was about to sink into the root the branch twisted and turned revealing more of him instead.

"Nani...?" I went to Anko checking on her. She had a fever

"Anko sensei."

"Oh my..." the man behind me gasped "Who do we have here?" I grabbed Anko, jumping off the tree branch a second before the man wrapped himself around where he once were I made a disgusted face at the way his body wrapped around the tree with his tongue hanging from his mouth

"Ew." he chuckled fixing himself to stand normally on the tree branch

"What beautiful chakra natures you have swirling within you. I can recognize that one specific nature anywhere..." he hummed as if he was smelling the most delicious food. 

"And all I can smell is dirt and snakes. If that's the case you must be Orochimaru. my so called 'creater' " he smiled

"You know of me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, as you can tell I'm not exactly liked around here, and when you were finally created they took you from me. Never thought that old man would mention me to you." he titled his head eyes observing me.

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