[7] New Years

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Kakashi pov

"Do we really have to go?" I sighed looking at sensei.

"Looks that way." He laughed slightly.


"Because it's either me bringing you, or Kushina dragging you here." He sweated dropped. I sighed again.

"Hai, hai...guess we'll come." I looked towards Megumi to see her sitting on the chair just staring at me. It was probably because I was wearing a yukata.

Sensei too. Sensei was wearing one too and her eyes were going back and forth between the two of us. Her eyes shone as she stared at us. I swear the more I looked at her the more there's stars glistening around her.

"Your turn Megumi-chan, Kushina made one for you too!" Sensei held up baby slippers and a purple kimono. I groaned at this.

Together we got Megumi ready and I learned how to tie a girls kimono properly. I held Megumi in one had, locked the door with the next and made sure my pouch was well hidden. I bet sensei did the same too, but the ANBU following behind us is probably all the security he actually needs.

"The festival hasn't started yet so let's go meet Kushina, she said she would wait for us by the entrance." I nodded following behind sensei as I had no idea where I was going. I never arrived to a festival early, if I was attending.

"My youthful rival!" And here's another one... oh why? Why now?

"Guy..." I drawled out looking to my side as he fell in step with me.

"Hello Megumi-chan!" He smiled at her

"Hi!" I smiled. She's adorable.

I wonder if she'll learn as fast when I start teaching her kanji after her first birthday? Eh. I'll know when that time comes.

"So! What brings you to the festival so early?" Guy smiled hands on his hips as we kept walking.

"Kushina-san..." My head dropped and aura of defeat surrounding me.

"I see...there is no arguing with the 4ths wife. It was a one sided battle." Guy patted my back as if consoling me from a battle I lost greatly, with zero chances of winning.

I want to hit him for stating it like that but...he's telling the truth... I sweat dropped.

"Why are you like this..?"

"Youthful? Cause it's in my blood of course! I am destined to be Konoha mighty green beast! Just you wait! The world shall know my name!" He struck a pose causing many people to sweat drop and back away from the weird teenage boy.

Oh, look at that a few mother's hiding their sons and daughters eyes from the sight. I honestly would do the same if it wasn't for the fact that I was horror striken. I looked at Megumi to see her eyes locked on sensei instead of Guy.

Sensei...thank you so much for sticking out!  I internally cried.

"Ah, there she is!" We made it to the festival and found Kushina-san talking to Uchiha Mikoto, the head of the clans wife. I forgot, they know each other.

"Minato! Minato, Mikoto is pregnant!" Kushina pushed the Uchiha to in front of sensei making both if them sweat drop.

"Oh, that so? Congrats Mikoto-san. Do you want another boy or a girl?" Sensei smiled.

"I don't mind either way. I just want them healthy." She smiled back.

"Hai Hai, now let's go get some food! Oh, Kakashi!" Kushina smiled taking Megumi from me "Go have fun. Megumi can stay with us girls, you can take Itachi-kun and you both can go have fun together. You know how to find us if you need to!" She smiled taking Mikoto-san's hand and both of them ran off.

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