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It was early in the afternoon when the young Luna was sitting alone in the garden of a large house. She was sitting under the big willow tree that stood on the border of the gardens, a calm expression on her face as she picked at the flowers at the base of the tree.

She remembered a time when she used to spend her days running around the garden with her Father or her Uncle. Happier times when she didn't feel so lonely.

Her Father was gone, he was off fighting in the war and she didn't know when or even if he would be back. She was terrified that he wouldn't return home to her.

Today, her Uncle Stefan was supposed to be spending the day with her, but lately he seemed to have no time for her. He was, as per usual, with Katherine. When she had shown up some time ago she had captured both Luna's father and uncle's attention and sometimes they barely had any time for her anymore.

As she watched her Uncle interact with Katherine her mind wandered to the founders party that she was supposed to attend later. Her grandfather had practically demanded that she attend the party, despite her young age and the fact that she barely understood what the party was about.

She huffed at the thought of going to the Founders party, she didn't want to be there, not if she was going without her Father.

Luna diverted her attention from her Uncle and Katherine and back to the flowers she was picking from the grass. She knew that she would have to go back in the house soon for dinner but she didn't want to move. Being in the garden reminded her of all the time she spent with her father and she often found herself not wanting to leave when she missed him.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for dinner, young lady."

The small girl instantly recognised the familiar voice and her head snapped up in the direction she had heard the voice. Standing right in front of her was her father, still wearing his uniform and smiling down at his beloved daughter.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she shot up off the ground and ran at the man in front of her.

"Daddy," she exclaimed, jumping straight into his arms and wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.

He chuckled as he caught Luna in his arms. "Hello, Angel," he said as she buried her head into his shoulder, clinging on to him as if he would disappear if she let go.

"I missed you," she whispered into his shoulder, her tears streaming down her face as he held onto her.

"I missed you too, Angel." 

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