Lost Without You, My Love

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Warning: mentions of self harm, sleeping pills, bomb explosion and drug dealing in this chapter. Read at your own risk!!


Prem, Sameer, Rahul and Amar sped through busy roads, driving through red lights on their way to hopefully save Priya in Wistman's Woods Park. There was only fifteen minutes left till the bomb would explode and Prem was more than worried about Priya.

Why did he just leave Priya in the room like that? If he hadn't, Priya would not have gone out alone to look for him. She would not have been at risk of a bomb explosion.

Prem wiped his eyes and mustered up the courage to not think of the worst possible case scenarios that could happen to his Priya. His love for Priya will guide him through finding her.

He already updated Vivek about where Priya was and how she was stuck in a forest where a bomb would go off. His older brother was shocked, but assured Prem that everything will be okay.

"Okay guys. We're here." Rahul said, stopping the engine of the car and turning to the others. Whilst they unfastened their seatbelts, Amar said,

"Be careful guys. There's almost ten minutes till the bomb explodes."

"I just hope we can find my Priya." Prem said, worry evident in his voice.

"We will. Trust yourself and your love for Priya." Rahul said kindly. The four of them got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the park.

They saw the police in the park with yellow tape to prevent people from going in. Prem, Amar, Rahul and Sameer walked closer and spotted Inspector Khan and several other police officers.

They walked up to him and Prem started,

"Inspector Khan." Inspector Khan turned around and looked at the four boys in surprise,

"Prem, Sameer, Amar and Rahul! Lads, what are you doing here? A bomb is about to explode in ten minutes." The others looked at eachother nervously. Prem's bottom lip was shaking and his eyes were slightly watering just by thinking about the bomb and Priya. Rahul and Sameer wrapped an arm around Prem to comfort him.

"Inspector, Priya is over there. She may potentially be harmed from the bomb explosion." Amar said.

"Kya! She shouldn't be. How did she get there?" Inspector Khan said, shock evident in his voice.

"She was looking for me because I went out. She's alone and I don't think she knows there's a bomb that's going to explode in ten minutes." Prem said, his voice shaking and tears were burning at the back of his eyes, threatening to spill.

Sameer and Rahul rubbed Prem's back to comfort him and Rahul asked,

"Inspector, is it possible if you let us through and perhaps search for Priya?"

"I would, but boys it's dangerous. Imagine Priya comes and sees the four of you hurt? She wouldn't want that. Tell you what, you boys stay here and I'll send my team to look for her. Don't worry, Prem." Inspector Khan said. He saw Prem's hurt and horrified expression and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder,

"She'll be safe and okay. We will bring it back if we find her. If not, she will come back to you."

Prem smiled and Inspector Khan went to his team to tell them to search for Priya. His team went and the boys hoped Priya will come, safe and sound.

Meanwhile, Priya was at the deeper end of the park, oblivious to the fact that now there was under ten minutes till the bomb explodes.

She was shivering in the cold and she felt like something bad was going to happen. She had alot of bad things happen to her, so she knew when something unexpectedly disastrous would take place.

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