Love Includes Trust

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Warning: mentions of self harm and a bomb in this chapter. Read at your own risk!!

Two days later

Two days had passed and things between the couple seemed a bit awkward. Everyone at home identified this, but Prem never mentioned why. He was still trying to rack his head around the fact that Priya did see Vishal and that maybe she was falling in love with him.

Since that afternoon he saw the picture and the text, he wasn't able to sleep at night. Prem tossed and turned all night. He looked pale and tired. He wouldn't cuddle with Priya at night like they would usually do because Prem was beginning to think that Priya didn't need him anymore because she was talking to Vishal.

Priya, on the other hand, was still texting Vishal about how she was going to ask Rita about why she had a picture of Vishal when he was young and what if she had something to do with his relationship. She didn't tell Prem or the others because they didn't know the story about Vishal and Rani.

But, Priya also saw that since their date from two days ago, Prem was being distant towards her. He wouldn't speak much with her or be affectionate towards her. He would simply give her dull replies and his eyes weren't full of love and adoration. Instead she saw anger and hurt. His handsome face was pale. Priya didn't know what to do.

She tried asking his siblings if they knew anything, but they had no idea. That made Prem's siblings wonder what was going on between the two and inform the others about Prem's and Priya's odd and distant behaviour. There were no cute moments between the two lately and they sensed that something wrong was going on.

Priya was starting to think that Prem didn't love her anymore. His distant behaviour seemed to answer that. That's why her self harming had increased. She was craving the pain and felt like she had to punish herself. If her boyfriend was behaving distantly with her, she knew something was wrong. She felt like the whole world was against her.

Currently, Priya was looking out of her balcony window. It was the afternoon. She was fidgeting with her white with turquoise flower embroidered dupatta of her favourite white with turquoise embroidery flower churidar dress.

The sky was a bit gloomy, matching her mood. It was clear that it would rain. She was down lately because Prem wasn't talking to her. She stayed in her room the whole day because the past two days after her date with Prem, she was crying. Every time she asked if he was okay, he wouldn't give her a proper response.

Priya's eyes were red as she stared out the balcony door. There were slight tears laced in her gorgeous green eyes. Her rosy cheeks were tear stained. She sniffed softly and her mind was scaring her again.

Prem's going to dump you today because of something you did. You deserve it - her mind said.

Suddenly, the door opened and Priya wiped her eyes. She turned around and saw Prem come in. He was in a light green shirt, some of it was unbuttoned, which revealed his white tank top inside. He wore black jeans wrapped with a black belt, his white tank top was tucked in his black jeans. His sleeves were rolled up.

Prem did look good. Although he was pale, he did look handsome. Priya thought. She wanted to tell him, but his mood seemed off, like it was the past two days. She wanted to ask him, but she was scared of the outcome. She placed a hand on her heart to feel the soothing heartbeat and to listen to what it has to say,

You need to ask him what the matter is or otherwise the tension between you two will only get thicker and thicker. He's the love of your life and if you don't ask him what's wrong, he might think that you don't care about him at all.

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