Wake Up

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"Taviaaaaaaaa, sissy wake up."

It felt like i was looking into the sun, I willed my palm to protect my eyes but sunbeams still managed to bind me.

Giggling surrounded my ears.

"Sissy, we will be ok, wake up"

                      "Wake up."

My lungs took in a mouthful of air as I gasped awake, my eyes clearing the fog from my eyes as they hysterically blinked the sleep away.

" about time your awake sis" my head snapped towards the voice my body tense, but relaxed once it caught sight that it was just my brothers.

"You two are going to give me a heart attack one day." A smile eased onto my lips as they ran and hugged me.

"We love you, sis." They said in unison, making me chuckle in amusement.

My eyes narrowed and my brows caused a wrinkle to form on my forehead as I frowned.

"Is dad home?"

"No." Jay shook his head with a smile. "He went out to buy beer a few minutes ago."

"In the meantime, somebody wants to see you, sissy."

Before I could question anything else, the twin's both took ahold of my wrist and, yet again, I was blinded by a white light.

Stumbling into the unknown I couldn't feel my brothers presents anymore. There was nothing that proved they were here minutes prior, except for the lingering earth in my hand.

"Hello, Octavia. I have been wanting to talk to you for some time."

The blinding light cleared as a large, tall grey cybertronian's came into my view.

My mouth parted slightly as I fought back an urge to gasp as I realised who it was.

"Primus. I remember reading about you on one of the data pads ratchet provided."

He smiled.

"Yes, child. Unfortunately, that's not what we are here to discuss."

I said nothing as my lips twitched down.

"Am I dead?"

He said nothing.

"You are my greatest creation, child. You were made to bring peace to galaxies beyond this one. "

"What happened to me?"

"You were in a vulnerable state, my child. " he glanced down at me with sorrow. "People within the close range of you were failed to survive."

"What about Optimus, Bee?? Jazz?"

"They all survived. As we speak, they are taking in Elita 1 as she was seen siding with your father and attacking the Autobots. "

My anger boiled at her name but the relief that everybody was safe to override it.

Then everything stopped as grief started to cause my stomach to ache in loneliness.

"Your brothers, sadly, did not survive the wrath of your father. They are with me now"

"My father, what about him?" I asked with both equally clenched fists and jaw.

"Your father did not survive the wrath of you"


"Megatron is now in Autobot  questioning, as he was discovered fending off the deceptions."

My lips twitched upward in a soft smile at his words.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Fair well my child, it's now time to finally wake up."


                        "WAKE UP!"

I winced as a sharp pain grew on the side of my face.

"Ouch" I grounded as my hand lifted to cradle my cheek.

Harsh beeping and wiring invaded my ears as jazz' voice echoed.

"I didn't know that would actually wor-OUCH."

"Could y'all shut up?! Primus sake!"  I sat up as I locked I contact with the two bots in front of me.

It only took a few seconds to realise that the rest of the Autobots stood behind them as well, softly gazing down at me with warm blue optics.

"You are finally awake" Optimus said in disbelief.

I hummed as I rubbed my eyes, already feeling a pounding headache  starting ro form around my temples.

"Her vitals are fine. Let's leave them be." Ratchets voice sounded in his usual bossy tone, ordering everyone out of the medbay

"I was so worried you weren't going to make it." Optimus' holoform activated  beside the bed, as the familiar sound of metal againts metal filled the room as his semi truck parked further near the cybertronian sized door.

I smiled warmly up at him, and grasped his hand as genuine worry filled in his eyes.

"Well I made it." I gestured around the room as I slumped back down into the pillows.

"Nearly loosing you Octavia, it made me realise something... in battle I have always feared about loosing the family I have left.. and no amount of fear that I have felt compared to the fear of losing you." He finished looking deeply into my eyes.

"Octavia. I think I love you." And with his words our lips connected, sparks travels form my lips  all the way to my stomach, his hand cupped the side of my face as my arms wrapped around his neck

Breaking the kiss i looked into his bright, warm blue eyes that, even in holoformed looked exactly the same colour when he was his true self.

And that's when I realised.

"I love you too Optimus Prime."

The end 👁👅👁

Id like to thank everyone who read all the way up to the last chapter, I really, really love you all and appreciate you all for sticking with reading this book.  Because, honestly this story sucks ass, spelling mistakes and everything. I started writing this book for over 3 years or so now, my first ever book I have written on wattpad. Honestly, this story was never ment to blow up this much, like godamn people, 73.3K!! Thats insane. And honestly apart of the reason why this story was never ment to blow up is because this was sort of my experimenting book also, I felt really inspired to start writing and creating my own story and I had a mad crush on optimus prime at the time, thus, the whole reason this book was created.

Now I have learnt more writing techniques and creative writing skills, new adjectives just from writing this book.

So honestly, from the bottom of my heart thank you.

If you did really enjoy this book enough to stay, I have a sideswipe and sunstreaker fanfiction on my profile if you are interested in reading it, its called "battle born"

Once again thank you, for helping me learn and develop through the years, continuing to encourage me and leaving comments that helped me push through finishing the book. I couldn't ask for anything less. 💚💚

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