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My spark stalled and throbbed painfully with every beat.

They were frightened-terrified.

Doe-like eyes brimmed with thick salty tears we're enough to send my spark to a complete power down. A lone knife, horizontal across both their esophagus' made my knees feel weak. Following the metal, it seemed to merge into a humans arm, a man's arm. A Bile clawed at my throat and my brain felt dizzy. Then they connected with the same cold murderous eyes I have been trying to escape my entire life.


Nausea swam in my stomach. Hunching over, I placed my hand on the stone wall, dry heaving.

"Octavia" he spat. "Long time no see"

"You bastard"  I fumed marching up to him. Noticing that he tightened the grip on the knife, I halted. Gritting my teeth, my fists turning white in anger.

"You let them go." my voice cracked.

"Now why would I do that, tave" he crackled." I have the worlds greatest weapon, within my grasp. It would be foolish to let it go"

"Well. You didn't have a problem doing it last time, didn't you dad, "  I snarled.

Growling, he slowly pushed the blade into my brothers necks, withdrawing blood. "It seems like you have grown quite a pretty little mouth of yours since I last saw you. You better watch what you say, girl. Because you're stepping on eggshells "

" Have you ever wondered why you were so different Octavia? Half flesh, half metal? Why your a halfling?"

"Ever wondered why your spark glows gold, or why you have great power within you?"

"I was born cybertronian, and joined the decepticons. When I came to this godforsaken planet, I just happened to run into your mother in my holoform.
You, Octavia, are a mistake. You were never supposed to be in this world. When I found  out your mother was pregnant with you, you should be grateful I didn't end her miserable life   on the spot. But it got me thinking, a child, half cybertronian and half human. A half breed. The child couldn't possibly survive! But you did. Even as an infant I knew you were extremely powerful, I couldn't kill you just yet. I could use you to my advantage. Who knew that you, out of all people would be the deadliest being alive.

The ability to bring peace to worlds beyond our galaxy, to stop war, and yet, you can cause the most havoc with the power within you. And that's exactly what the decepticons need you for. "

He smiled darkly. My legs were shaky and my throat dehydrated. So this was what ratchet ment.

His eyes grew darker than I have ever seen before, a dangerous sizzling red hue behind his irises as he held my brother tiger againts his chest.

"And that's exactly what I'm planning to do."

It all happened so fast

One minuet my throat was dry

And the next it was getting torn apart by the scream that tore through my throat as the monster I knew as my dad retracted his blade.

Successful slitting my brothers throats.

My world shattered, and my body felt like it was getting torn apart. A bright light entered my vision but all I saw was red.

My spark stopped yet ached at the same time as I felt the bond with my brothers fade away.

I swear I heard screaming, or was that me?

The world was spinning but I could still make out the very dead brothers bodies that lay unmoving on the floor.

"No" my voice cracked.


My eyes shone a dangerous red as they locked onto the monster. His smile slowly faded as my body transformed, half metal half flesh and then it all



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