The life she once lost

Start from the beginning

Kara got up form the couch and slammed 'their' bedroom door shut. Now Lena was in the living room and saw her phone, which was snapped in two. She was shaking, when she picked up a frame with a picture of her and Kara on Clark's wedding, which the glass was shattered into billion pieces. That day on Clark's wedding, when she knew she'd always love Kara and that she was the one. But by one night, by one drunken night in a bar, she made the biggest mistake in her life. Lena was hurt at that time, Lillian cut her deep into her soul and she did what she always would do, drink till she felt numb. Usually she would go to Kara and talk to her, but that night she was on another earth and then suddenly a girl named Alyssa, sat next to her and felt pity for Lena. So Lena ranted her problems to Alyssa, each taking more and more alcohol...And then next thing she knew, she was on her bed. Lena swore to herself to never do it again, but for one time, it became to a dozen times. It was like a drug that sh couldn't stop. She didn't love Alyssa, she never loved her...She always loved Kara and did still now.

Lena stares at the picture and started to sob. How could she do this? People would kill to have someone like Kara and she took it for granted, because of some mental issue. Kara fought for her and proved to Alex, J'onn, Maggie, even Clark that she was different. But now she has proven that she is a real Luthor, she did one thing that her brother never could...Break a Super.

Her hard sobbing and deep thoughts were cut off, when she heard the bedroom door slam shut and a picture of her and Kara fell to the ground, making the glass shatter in pieces. It was a picture of her and Kara on their first date. Kara was holding three duffle bags and didn't even bother to look at the picture. Slowly Kara walks up to the kitchen island and lays a sapphire necklace, that Lena got her for their first anniversary and since then, Kara wore it every day. Lena looked at Kara, with red eyes from sobbing, her eyes were begging for Kara to keep them, because she couldn't form any words, she just couldn't. Without even glancing at Lena, Kara walked to the door and opened it, but stopped before she walked out. "How dare you?" Kara said and shut the door, without glancing at Lena. She runs to the door to open, but stops and just turns, leaning against it and slips to the door, sobbing. Unknowingly, Kara was doing the same on the other side of the door. Kara was crying and looking down at the tiny little velvet box, she had in her pocket. She was going to propose to Lena, but all she got was a shattered heart,  a heart that could not be fixed by a 'sorry'.

A week Later

Lena was laying on her sofa, wearing Kara's sweater, her hair greasy, her whole body hurts, mostly her eyes and a dry throat form crying too much. She misses Kara so much and texted her repeatedly. But the only text she got back was: "You gave up on us." and that was it. Lena was drawn out of her thoughts, by a loud knock on the door. Running she opens the door, in hopes that it would be Kara, but was met by Maggie. The cop pushes past her and into her bedroom, picking up Kara's stuff that she left. She picks up a shirt and Lena yells. "Please leave that one!" Maggie was hesitating, but let it stay put. "Thank you." Whispered Lena and Maggie just stays silent, carrying on with packing. Lena was sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at her new phone, in hopes that she would get another reply. "She won't answer back." Maggie says, snapping Lena back into reality. "What? Why not?" Lena asks and Maggie just rolls her eyes. "Kara bought a new phone and sim card. She destroyed her old one, because she doesn't want anything that will remind her of you." Replied Maggie. Lena wanted to say something, but was cut off by the cop. "Kara wanted you to leave her alone. She even got a new apartment. She was sobbing hard, since she arrived a week ago. She...She was going to propose to you! Alex and I even went ring shopping with her and we went to almost every store, till she really, really found the one. Why would you do this to her? Why would you hurt her? After all the arguments and fights, with us...Proving that you're not like your family...This is what she got in return? She's Kara, the most loving, adorable, loyal, strong, bravest, sweetest, pure hearted person I've ever met, apart form her sister. She's a giver not a taker, a person everyone would kill for! Alex had to hold her sister, who sobbed each day for hours! For Hours! We even had to take her to the DEO to train out her anger, which made her solar flare. And don't you dare sit there in self pity and expect her to come running back, don't you dare. Because you messed up big time, you made the choice to cheat for almost a year and now you are gonna live with it. If you try to talk to my sister-in-law, I will not stop Alex from attacking you. Don't mess with my family." Maggie said sternly, before slamming the door shut, making Lena flinch. All she could do is sit there in shock and looked at the picture, that was still on the floor. "She was going to ask me to marry her..." Whispered Lena, while new tears started to build up.

5 years later

It's been five years. Since that day Kara left her apartment, Lena never heard from her again, never. They both went down their own paths and Lena was living with the guilt inside her. After all those years, she still wasn't over Kara.

One day, while strolling through the park she saw a familiar blonde, holding two kids by each side. The kids really looked identical to her, just that their hair was more dirty blonde and their eyes were a mix of hazel and blue. The blonde had a boy and a girl with her. Lena knew exactly who it was. "Kara..." Whispered Lena inaudible. Kara looked like she didn't even age a bit and looked much fitter and mature. Tears started to build in her eyes and was planning to go to her, when she saw a brunette walking up to Kara. Suddenly she heard the kids yell "Mama!" hugging the brunette and Kara gave a kiss on the lips. Lena then saw the ring on Kara's finger and that made a huge toll in her heart. It got worse when the girl said: "Mommy, can we play there?" Pointing to the playground and was looking at Kara. Then she saw Kara smile and nodded, instantly the kids were gone in a blur. But then she saw Kara turning to her, showing no emotion on her face, like she was seeing right through Lena. Eventually Kara grabbed her wife's hand and they walked to where their kids were. All Lena thought was, that could have been them, married, family and having kids, all of that she could've had with Kara, but she lost her chance.

Lena then walked to the lake, glancing at the promise ring Kara gave her. She started to tear up, she kisses the ring and drops it into the water. "Goodbye...K-Kara." Whispered Lena and begins to walk away. She begins to walk away from the life she once lost.

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