"You will meet Xelexia but bare in mind, it would be at the most unexpected time"


"You'll know when it comes" She said "But get prepared"

"Aren't I strong enough? I've learned a lot from Lux and Ignis. They're good people"

"You are strong but not strong enough to go against her. You have some capabilities you still know nothing of."

"They've taught me all they know about me. There's no one with more knowledge about me than them. They've tried their best"



"Blood is thicker than water"

My eyes snapped open.

I let out a loud sigh and sat up, rubbing my eyes in the process. I still felt a bit sleepy but with what I saw, I couldn't close my eyes without thinking about it.

It was still two fourty six in the morning and the boys were probably still asleep. Besides food, sleep was their next escape from everything.

Well, for Lux and Ignis, yeah bit for Axel, I didn't know of.

I stood up and placed my feet in my fluffy bunny slippers and made my way over to the kitchen for a glass of warm water.

The moment I opened the door, I could smell the aroma of cake. Chocolate cake to be precise.

Who would wake up so early to cook?

It couldn't be Lux cause he was a log of wood in sleep mode. No one could wake him up till he he wanted to and no aroma could wake him from his slumber.

Ignis was far worse than Lux. He made it look like he was in coma as soon as he went into sleep made. No tapping, slapping, biting or smacking could wake he up.

The most impressive thing you could do was to make him move a muscle.

So yeah, it had to be Axel.

My suspicions were correct. Axel was in the kitchen with a lot of cooking materials and ingredients scattered around him.

He had a blue apron on with a funny looking chef hat. His apron was smeared with flour and other things I couldn't identify. He also had some on his face.

Right beside him were jars filled with cookies. Very sweet looking cookies.

The sight made my mouth water without moving closer to it.

In one jar was chocolate chip cookies. I could identify that cause Lux and Ignis ways had their cookie challenge and Lux, most of the times, always ended up making chocolate chip cookies.

The other jars we're filled with cookies I couldn't identify.

Don't blame me, I spent eight years in a messed up asylum and even before that, I didn't really get the chance to go out.

"Good morning Caeli, you're up early"

"Yeah, it happens." I said, walked towards the counter and took a seat. "What's this all about?"

"Oh, you don't know"

"Don't know what?"

"It's Ignis's birthday today"

Wait wait wait wait wait wait.

It's Ignis's birthday and no one told me about it? Lux didn't mention a thing about it and even the birthday boy didn't act like it.

It was kind of surprising cause Ignis had a very high ego and it should've been him to have told me about this.


"Ignis. It's his birthday today" He repeated. "Didn't he tell you?"

"No, no one did"

"Well, it's July 12th"

"Oh my god. I can't believe I didn't know about this before. I didn't even get him a present"

"He didn't tell you cause he had it all planned. If you didn't find out, he would've made you feel so guilty just to make you do things for him"

"That brat" I said "He would've tricked me into doing things for him if I didn't wake up"

"Remind me why you're up so early"

I wasn't sure if it was safe to tell him about it or not.

Well, he tried to kill me bit according to Lux and Axel, he spent years reading about Anel so if there was anyone that knew about it, it should be him.

On the other hand, he tried to kill me but he also explained that he didn't do it with any selfish intentions. The water would've went still if I just waited for one more second.

Well, it wasn't my fault I thought of him as a murderer for a whole year.

It should be Lux and Ignis's fault for not listening to Axel when he used to teach them about it.

"Whatever you're thinking about, I just want you to know I don't want to get into your head and I'd like for you to tell me yourself" He paused "You do know I didn't try to kill you right"


"I'd show you the book if you want to and you'd read it out yourself_"

"No, it's okay" I paused "I had a dream about..." I trailed off, zoning out of reality.

My mind was back to the dream. I could still remember it clearly, like I remembered my own name.

"Are you about to say something?"

"Who's Fatum?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"Well, in my dream, I was told Fatum would help me know more about myself, to help me get prepared for Xelexia"

"I don't know who or what Fatum is. However, I'd do some research on it and get back to you as soon as i'm don't"

"Back to the birthday" I changed the topic "How can I be of help?"

"I just need you to go get Lux"

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Instagram: sophia_shodimu

Caeli |(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now