Chapter 21

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I waited on the rooftop opposite the Dalton Hotel for what felt like hours. I was just lucky it wasn't raining I suppose. I had a sniper rifle set up perfectly and I had my laptop open, connected to every camera in the place. I had made sure everything was perfect, all I had to do now was wait. But that was the worst part. 

It had gotten to around 7pm when a large black car arrived outside the hotel. A man got out and spoke to the concierge, their conversation was short but afterwards the concierge, in his little green suit, disappeared into the hotel.

My heartbeat increased as the van car door opened and out stepped the man who had been haunting my nightmares for months. He was just as I remembered him. I caught my breath for a second and then proceeded to look down the scope. He stared at his surroundings, buttoning up his jacket. 

I was ready to pull the trigger when a voice called out from behind me. "Stop." I didn't listen, whoever it was I could deal with once this was done. "Stop." They called again but my finger was tickling the trigger when suddenly it was kicked clean out of my grip. 

"I said stop." I snapped my head to look up at my assailant to find myself staring into the same brown eyes I'd seen at the gym. 

"What did you just do?" I all but growled. I jumped to my feet, and watched as Dominic moved into the shelter of the hotel. 

The man glanced all around him before looking back at me. "You need to come with me."

"Do I fuck." I said a spiteful laugh falling. "You have no clue what you just did." 

He grabbed me arm and started to pull me away from the edge of the roof. "I just saved you. That's what I did." 

I ripped my arm from his grip and he gave me look that you'd give an annoying child. "Touch me again and I'll rip off your fucking arms." 

"Calm down, English." He uttered, rolling his eyes as he did. "You've got such a mouth on you." 

I stared in disbelief and then quickly remembered the whole reason I was here. The man seemed to notice the change in my face as he moved to grab me but I was too quick. I leapt out of his reach and sprinted towards the side of the roof.

"Wait!" The man yelled after me as I flung myself off. I grabbed onto the staircase that ran up the side of the next building before gently dropping myself to the floor. As I landed, I heard a whistle. A wolf whistle? It came from a nearby building, I looked around but couldn't see anything. 

I then caught sight of the man I'd just jumped off the building to get away from looking down at me. He was seething, glaring at me from above. His mouth seemed to be moving, but he was definitely not talking to me. Possibly the person who had just whistled.  I didn't have time to think about this. 

This situation had become a lot more complex. I had no idea who this man was and who was with him. I didn't know why he was here or why he had just stopped me from killing Dominic. The logical part of me, the trained agent, told me to stop, to reassess everything. Something was clearly missing from the puzzle. But I didn't want to stop. This was the first chance I'd had in 6 months, who knew when my next one was. 

I didn't want my friends to keep living like this. I wanted this to be over. So, I rushed into the alley beside the hotel where I knew the side entrance was. I'd watched an employee put in the code yesterday, and found out it was the staff room. 

I typed in the code, and walked in with confidence. I swiped an employee uniform off the table and walked into the nearest bathroom. I almost ripped my clothes at the speed I changed, the uniform was tight but fit enough to not be question. I slid my weapons into place and rushed from the room. 

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