Chapter 4

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Blood slowly dripped out of my nose, coating the dried blood that was already there. I lifted my head up from where I'd let it hang and spat the blood out of my mouth onto the floor in front of me. 

"How many days has it been now?" I croaked, my throat screaming for water. 

Dominic stood at the back of the room. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. His black eyes were trained on me as he clenched his teeth. "Today makes 10." 

I laughed. It was a quiet laugh, a weak one, but a laugh none the less. "Its not going very well, is it Dominic?" 

Dominic made a noise and the man in front of me swung again. His fist landed against my already bruised side, making me let out a grunt. I could only assume what the state of my body was, and if I was assuming the worst, I'd definitely say a few things were broken. I mumbled something, trying to speak but no words came out. 

"What was that?" Dominic asked impatiently. 

I took a deep breath in, wincing at the pain in my side. "I asked if this is the best you've got." 

At that, Dominic flung something across the room. I heard it shatter at it hit the wall, feeling the impact of whatever it was slice my cheek. Dominic then stormed over to me. He grabbed a handful of my hair and craned my head so I was forced to look at him. "It most definitely is not the best I've got. I was just holding out hope for you to give up before I had to really get mean." 

I blew a few loose strands of hair out of my face as I stared at him. "You mean to tell me you've been holding out on me?" 

Dominic threw my head back. "Ridiculous." He muttered as he left the room. 

The next day, Dominic came in carrying various wires. I didn't say a word as he placed what I assumed where electrodes all over my body. 

"Do you know what this does?" He asked, holding up a box with different buttons and dials on it. The wires that ran over my body all connected to the box so it didn't take a genius to understand it wasn't something fun. 

Following my lack of response, Dominic continued. "If I press this button." His finger gently pressed it. "And then turn this dial." His fingers moved across the box towards the dial, slowly he twisted it around and suddenly my body was set alight. 

Red hot pain seared through my veins, slicing through every nerve in its wake. 

The dial turned back and the pain stopped. "It sends volts of electricity running through your body." 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and unclenched my jaw. "You don't say." 

"We're going to have so much fun together." He smiled as he turned the dial again. 

Another few days past and like clockwork, Dominic would come in to see me. He'd ask whether I was ready to work for him. I'd say no and he'd electrocute me. 

It was a fun little routine that we had.

The voltage amount had escalated significantly since my first encounter and it was obvious Dominic's patience was growing increasingly thin.

After another session of frying me. He took a break sitting down in front of me. "I'll give it to you, you're pretty tough." 

I couldn't find the energy to respond. At some point, someone had come in and saw to my injuries. Bandaged and stitched me back together, only for Dominic to stab my insides with millions of bolts of electricity. 

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