Chapter 3

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Pain. There was a throbbing pain vibrating throughout my skull. My throat felt as though someone had dragged sandpaper down it and I could hardly open my eyes. After a few attempts however, my eyes finally opened enough for me to take in my surroundings. 

The dimly light room had a musty smell to it. Like a damp had leaked through the grey walls and was clinging to every stone. I went to move my hand, to rub my eyes when I found I couldn't lift my arm. Groggily, I looked down to find my wrists were restrained to the arms of the metal chair I had been slumped in. A further look down, told me my ankles were also restrained against the chair. 

I was locked in. 

I wiggled my fingers slowly, making sure they were all there as the cold had set in and I could not feel them. 

How long had I been out? 

I was wearing the same clothes, with less weaponry and despite the black colour, you could still see where my top had become stained with Parker's blood. I let out a weak cough and rolled my shoulders, attempting to work out the ache I was feeling across my body. 

The room was pretty dark, there were no windows, but my near surroundings were illuminated by a lightbulb that hung ominously above my head. It flickered once, almost in recognition of my acknowledgement and I closed my eyes letting my current situation wash over me. The events of yesterday were truly setting in. 

Parker. A part of me hoped he was dead, that I'd hit his head enough that he had died. Bled out on the floor in front of the man he betrayed MI6 for. That he betrayed me for.  But a more pressing question came to mind as I thought about the situation more. 

Why had I been kept alive?

I kept rapidly blinking through my disorientation when the door in front of me opened. It openly slowly and silently on its hinges, revealing Dominic stranding there as it moved. 

"You're awake." He said smoothly, strolling into the room with an air of confidence. Gone was the suit I'd first seen him in, and now he wore a plain white t-shirt, paired with black trousers. A plain outfit for a man like this. He dragged a chair from the corner of the room and placed it in front of me. 

He sat down carefully and looked into my eyes as he spoke. "Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Dominic Orlov." 

His eyes were such a dark shade of brown that they looked almost black. His hair had been pulled out of the bun and now rested in waves down to this shoulder. 

"Nice to meet you." I eventually replied, my lips cracking as I spoke. 

"You sound like you don't mean that."

"I wonder why."

Dominic let out a deep chuckle. "So much attitude Lexa." 

"Seems like I don't need to introduce myself." My voice was rough matching how my throat felt. 

Dominic got up from his chair and walked to the back of the room. "I know all about you, Lexa." He walked back over to me, this time with a glass of water in his hand. He held it to my lips, offering it to me. "You can thank Parker for that one."

I glanced at the water and then back at him.

Dominic let out an exasperated sigh. "You really think I would go through the trouble of keeping you alive, only to poison you the moment you woke up?"

I took a sip. Immediately thankful as it soothed my throat. After a moment, he pulled the glass away and I caught my breath. "Why am I alive?" 

Dominic smiled at that. "Straight to it then." 

I gave him a flat stare. 

"Fair enough, I'm here to offer a choice." He placed the glass by his feet as he sat back down. "You can become a double agent for me, like your bud Parker or you can die." 

I scoffed at that. His name was like a slap to the face. "Parker clearly did not tell you a lot, if you think I would ever take that deal." 

Dominic only smiled, much to my displeasure. 

"And why do I get this offer. Why did he?" 

"So many questions." Dominic said as he leaned back in his chair. 

I let my head fall back as I stared up at the ceiling. My eyelids already growing heavy. "Yes, it is a true mystery as to why I'd have questions. It is not like I just got kidnapped." 

"You interest me. I know you hold authority at MI6. I know you're good at what you do. You'd be an asset to me." 

I let my eyes close. "What, Parker tell you that?" 

"Indeed." Dominic responded curtly. "He was attempting to save your life, bargaining for it if you will." 

I let my eyes open as I tipped my head back towards him. "Lucky me." 

Dominic shrugged his shoulders. "Depends how you look at it I suppose. Either way, I want you to work for me." 

Blinking slowly, I let a few moments pass. Dominic's face gave nothing away and I'm sure mine was the mirror image. "No."


"That is what I said." 

"You'd rather die?" 

I nodded my head. "I have this annoying thing called morals. It is a real pain sometimes." 

He chuckled. "Right." 

"So," I start, "what's the plan? How am I going to be dying?" 

"It is a real shame you'd give up your life so quickly." Dominic added, seemingly displeased with my answer. "It is even more of a shame when I reveal to you its not that easy."

The light above me flickered again. 

"I put a lot of effort in getting you here."



I felt my eyebrows lift almost instinctively, I must have been out for awhile. 

"And I am a man who gets what he wants." 

I sighed, noting where this is going. "A man who demands for things to go his way? How unusual." 

Dominic ignored that and continued. "So, I am going to try to convince you. Give it a few days and you might change your mind." 

I lifted my hands, hearing the rattle of the restraints. "Would your methods of convincing have anything to do with these?"

"As I said, I'm a man who gets what he wants." He then stood up, pushing the chair away from himself. "I'll see you tomorrow Lexa." 

"Can't wait."

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