Chapter 11

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I felt a hand touch my shoulder and my eyes snapped open. The room was dark, night evidently having fallen and I leapt into action. 

Instantly, I launched my fist at my unknown assailant, catching them off guard as I jumped off the bed and kicked the threat to the floor. Within seconds, I had the person pinned to the floor, my knee rested on their face. "Who the fuck are you?" I shouted threateningly, not taking kindly to people that try to kill me in my sleep.

Panicked mummers came from below me and I pushed my knee further into their face, starting to miss my knives. Then I heard the flick of a switch and the whole room was suddenly doused in light. I blinked several times trying to adjust to the lack of darkness, to find a tussled Mila stood in the doorframe.

She always looked as though she had been brought out of the depths of sleep as she glanced around the room. "зайка," she finally said, she eyes glancing at the person I was holding down. "You are hurting Oscar."

My eyes widened as I looked to see Oscar flat against the ground, blood spilling from his lip. "Shit, sorry." I mumbled as I quickly moved away from him. I held out my hand to help him up which he ignored as he grumpily got to his feet.

"Why?" He groaned as he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. 

"You understand I am currently being hunted internationally." I stated, a bored expression gracing my face. "And you thought it was be a good idea in complete darkness to sneak into my room."  

"I told you that it was a bad idea." Mila said as she moved to dab at Oscar's split lip. 

Oscar winced as she touched his face. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. You were pretty roughed up earlier." 

I let my features soften. It was clear he wasn't from the same world Mila and I were from. "I am sorry, Oscar. Are you okay?" 

Mila rolled her eyes so much I thought that it must have hurt. "He's fine." 

I gave her a small smile, before glancing between them both. Mila was wearing Oscar's top and her normally flawless curls had been swept all over the place. "I'm glad you guys are having fun." Mila smiled to herself whilst Oscar instantly was covered in a bright blush. "So how long was I out for?"

"We agreed to let you sleep, you looked like you needed it," Mila spoke kindly. 

"A few hours," Oscar interjected, clearly seeing that Mila's response was not adequate.

I sucked in a breath before begin to move. "I have to start getting a move on."

Oscar grabbed my arm as I tried to walk out of the room. "You need to take a break; you've been through a lot."

Mila also moved into my path, blocking the doorframe. "He's right, Lex. Go back to sleep for a bit."

"Thanks, guys, truly, but I don't have the time." I protested once again, gently pulling my arm out of Oscar's grip.

Mila eventually nodded and stepped out of my way. "Let me get changed and we can talk about what you need."

I smiled gratefully as I crept past her, heading to the living room. After a few minutes of waiting curled up on a sofa, Oscar and Mila eventually entered the room hand in hand. Mila handed me a glass filled with what smelt like vodka as the they sat together on the large sofa.

Mila clutched her own glass of what I could only assume was only Vodka, whilst Oscar remained without. I took a quick sip, cursing the every Russian as I winced at the liquid hitting my tongue. 

"For the pain." Mila added, swirling her drink around. 

I nodded, thankful for the notion and taking another sip. I then noticed Oscar's arm resting on Mila's knee but decided it wasn't my business. 

Mila settled into the sofa. "Okay, Oscar explained everything briefly, but I want to hear it from you. What's going on, Lex?"

"Thought you could keep a secret, blue eyes?" I teased as Oscar's face turned red again. Quickly, I delved into the past few weeks, explaining what had happened and why it had happened before approaching the subject of what I had to do next. 

"Wow." She laughed awkwardly whilst brushing a small curl out of her face. "Okay, so what do you need from me?"

"Your private jet. I need to get to England undetected." 

"Done." Mila said with ease. 

"When are we leaving then?" I said, already standing from my seat.

Mila pointed dramatically at the window. "In the morning, you've got some more sleeping to do."

"I said I'm fine, Mi, don't worry about it."

She rolled her eyes at me and shook her head. "The world will remain standing for a few more hours whilst you sleep, Lex."

"I'm fine," I mumbled, my resolve becoming thinner.

She glared at me before turning to whisper in Oscar's ear, instantly putting me on edge. "Guys I'm fine." I said, placing the glass down on the coffee table. Oscar got up from the sofa as Mila watched from where she sat, taking a sip from her drink. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as Oscar moved towards me. "Stop." I put up a finger in warning. 

 He did not stop.

"Oscar, whatever she told you, you need to ignore it." I attempted to bargain. But without wasting another minute, Oscar had scooped me off the floor and thrown me over his shoulder.

My hair dangled in front of my face as I lifted my head to look at Mila. "Really?" She only smiled in response as Oscar started to take me up the stairs. "I could easily get out of this." I whinged. I'm not tired." 

Oscar only held me tighter and ignored my childish complaining. "Lexa, just go to sleep." He then lay me down gently on the bed and sat down on a chair in the corner of the room. "Sleep!"

I wiggled around and got myself comfortable. "Are you just going to watch me sleep?"

"I'm going to be here to catch the bad dreams."

I smiled slightly at the childish notion and was then quickly overcome with a yawn. "That's really stupid, blue eyes."

He didn't reply but I felt myself falling asleep anyway.

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