Chapter 19

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Their bodies dangled from the roof, swaying backwards and forwards. Only one of them had woken up but I was getting bored. "How's it hanging?" I teased with a grin, staring up at her. She wriggled about in a panicked manner.

Her face was bright red as the blood had pooled in it. Hanging upside down would do that to a person. "I'm sure your headache sucks right now." She growled and I smiled wider. "Blame your friend, not me. He's the one who hasn't woken up."

She shrieked then, loud enough that I winced slightly. The man however, did not wake up. She screamed again, this time with more annoyance. "I don't think that's working." I mocked. She huffed loudly, and I pulled up a small box nearby. "This place is a dump, by the way." I wiped the dust from the top and sat down. They seemed to be mid-abandoning this place, if they boxed up weapons and half missing personnel were anything to go by. I wasn't surprised though, after I blew up the first few building's of Dominic, he started to catch on and began packing up. 

It was a shame though, considering all it took was the capturing of a few people on his payroll and a little torturing to know where he was moving too. I was 6 months into this now, and the bounty on my head was circling the 800millions, so I knew I was really getting to him. I looked back up at the woman, who had started to spin in circles. "So Sarah, what encouraged you to betray the safety of everyone you've ever loved and become a double agent?" 

"I don't know what you mean." She managed to grit out. They never did at first. 

"Right, of course you don't. But I assume you know who I am, and what I will do to you if you do not answer my questions."

Sarah spat at me, but missed by miles. "You're the bitch Dominic wants." 

I stared at where she spat, my face recoiled in a grimace. "Sarah, that's disgusting. Did no one teach you any manners?"

"Killian!" She screamed, desperation sinking in fast. The man seemed to wake up at that. 

"So nice of you to join us, Killian." 

Killian groggily opened his eyes and was attempting to understand the situation, so I thought I'd give him the fast track. "Hi bud." His eyes snapped to me. "You guys are rats. Or used to be, I'm not too sure. Faked your death a month ago, I assume it's because Dominic is getting a little antsy, doesn't like how I'm killing a whole lot of you." He blinked slowly. "Just correct me if I'm wrong at any point." Neither of them spoke, I continued. "Anyway, if he's trying to get you guys to go underground, I am hoping it's because you might know where Dominic is currently. He's weirdly not telling many people these days." 

"Sarah?" Killian managed to mumble. 

I rolled my eyes. This was not important. "Yeah Killian, she's right next to you. Just three girls hanging out." I laughed at my own joke. "Anyway, straight to it. Do you guys know where Dominic is?"

They both stayed quiet. 

"Come on, you guys. We were just starting to bond. You know tell each other all our secrets." I said, finally standing up from the box. "You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." 

"Is this funny to you?" Sarah growled, spinning around as she did. 

"Just a little. But seriously, I need to know where he is, so if you know it makes this a lot easier." I was met with silence once again. So, with a sigh I headed over to where I'd left my stuff. I say my stuff, it was mainly what I had picked up from the crates around me that looked interesting. Dominic's stuff. Oh and Killian's sunglasses because I couldn't resist. I picked up the large bottle of petrol. Or seeing as I was back in America for the time being, 'gas'. 

I stepped back out and walked over to my new friends. "So, you guys know what this is?" 

"Gas." Sarah whispered. 

"Ding ding ding. 10 points to you." I started to unscrew the lid. "So, I am going to ask again, where's Dominic?" 

"He'll kill us if we say anything." Killian shouted. 

I narrowed my eyes at them both. "And what do you think I'm going to do? Throw you guys a party?" 

They shared a look. "He'll be-" Sarah started.

"Sarah, no!" Killian interrupted. 

"Really Killian, now you want to show some loyalty? Where was that when you were asked to be a double agent?" I scoffed, before placing the petrol down. The scent was intense enough to start a burning sensation at the entrance of my nostrils. They shared another look. "It comes down to this, I am either going to shoot you, or burn you. Which is it?" 

Sarah's eyes widened. The threat of being burnt was clearly enough for her to override Killian as she opened her mouth again, "He'll be at the Dalton hotel two days from now." 

"See, that wasn't so hard." With no hesitation, I shot Sarah, straight between the eyes. Killian let out a shout. "You weren't going to tell me Killian. You don't get that privilege." I started to spill the petrol everywhere, coating the entire room and for good measure, I threw the last bit at Killian. He screamed again in horror. "It's been real." 

I gathered my stuff, and placed his sunglasses on. I blocked out Killian's pleads as I grabbed my lighter from my bag. I moved to the exit, set off a spark and threw it into the middle of the room. The flames immediately burst out in all directions, entirely engulfing Killian. And I knew I couldn't stick around for long.

6 months in and this was my best shot I had at getting Dominic. After he was dead, I was hoping everything else would just crumble. Cut off the head and all that. I quickly got away from the building that had been entirely engulfed in flames and headed towards the motorbike I'd rented earlier today. 

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