Chapter 14

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My feet dragged along the ground as two agents pulled me into the MI6 headquarters. They clutched onto either arm like their life depended on it, hard enough that I could feel bruises forming underneath their grip. My hands were handcuffed as were my ankles, so I must truly scare the shit out of these people.

My head was groggy and my eyelids were heavily, all of which I had the drug to thank for. I was being dragged along like a criminal. I was being paraded around for everyone to see the prize I was, that my capture was.

I had lost everything. In one fell swoop, everything had been ripped from me. There were faces that I recognised, lining the halls, agents I'd been on friendly terms with, agents I had been on less than friendly terms with. People I'd known on a closer basis than just friendship. Noticeably, no Parker. That insect that clearly crawled into the hole he came from, hiding from me. As he should.

There was a mesh of expressions. Some seem to pity me, whilst others were disgusted. And I simply did not care. The dragging continued, my legs finding no will to work, until eventually we reached the interrogation rooms.

They handcuffed me to the table, and I couldn't help but be reminded of this scenario being a repeat of my meeting with Oscar. I'd had been interrogated an awful lot recently, an almost laughable amount. The room was plain as most interrogation rooms were, and a long two-way mirror sat across the back wall, facing me.

I heard the two agents who'd carried me in leave through the door behind me. The cameras were off. That was what I first noticed upon glancing around the room. There was no light indicating they were on. Although, seeing my situation, this was to be expected. I wondered how they'd do it, whether Dominic knew I'd stolen that information about his organisation or whether he was simply just pissed that I showed him up and escaped.

Either way, my family paid the price. For my arrogance, for my sloppiness, for my resting. And I couldn't say I was sorry.

The door behind me opened and my body tensed upon hearing the tapping of high heels against the ground. "Lexa." Justina greeted as she sat down in front of me.

I stared through her. Child killer. I could feel the words heating on my tongue.

"Miss Barnes, you stand accused of some very serious crime." She spoke, crossing one leg over another as she spoke. Her grey suit wrinkling as she did.

"How's the shoulder, sore?" I pulled my hands against the handcuffs making them echo against the table as metal met metal. I watched her flinch before leaning towards her. "Bite me, bitch."

Justina collected herself quickly. "Let's remain professional, Miss Barnes."

"I know the cameras are off, drop the act." I said coldly. "Shame there's not going to be footage of that newly crooked nose of yours, or that fresh black eye."

Her face soured.

"I wonder how you got those." I continued, my teeth grinding with every word. "And I hope that knife wound is treating you well."

"Enough." She demanded. "Your mother most definitely wouldn't approve of your speaking to your boss that way."

I couldn't stop the low snarl that left my mouth as she mentioned my mum.

She grinned in return, knowing she'd gotten under my skin. "We are holding you until the—interrogator arrives."

"The interrogator, I wonder who that is."

"You will give up that code." Justina stated ignoring me.

"Will I?"

Her eye twitched ever so slightly, the only indication of her annoyance. "Everyone in this building believes you are a traitor; you have no more friends and no more family. You are completely alone."

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