Chapter 1

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Static echoed in my ear as the line went dead. "They've scrambled our connection to the hub."

I pulled out my earpiece as Parker let out a sigh and mumbled, "Well that's inconvenient."

I nodded in agreement as I watched him wriggle his own earpiece out. "It was to be expected. I can't imagine this target wouldn't pull out all the stops to protect themselves."

I moved around and then ran my hand down my leg to shake off the ache crawling up my thigh. Apparently crouching behind a crate for a hour makes for a great work out.

"I suppose we've been in worse situations without backup." Parker uttered after awhile, following up with another sigh.

I gave him a light shove before going back to staring at the dusty building we'd been hiding in for a few hours now. There was still no changes, no footsteps or cars, but I was hoping something would happen soon. Although it was starting to get late enough that I was beginning to doubt the information we were given.

"Are you sure about this, Parker?" I whispered, finally growing impatient enough.

"The orders came directly from the boss. They are supposed to be here tonight, meeting with our friend Ryker."

I gave Parker a small smirk. "Right, my favourite weapons dealer." We'd only crossed paths with Ryker a few times before, but his oily slicked back hair and thick German accent were unforgettable. He'd been arrested various times but nothing stuck, MI6 eventually accepted there were bigger fish to fry, and Ryker could lead us to them.

"Plus," Parker began again, "MI6 aren't really in a place to be shown up again by this person, I doubt they would take a chance if they weren't at least 90% sure their information was correct."

I couldn't disagree. The person we were currently waiting for, had already evaded capture several times. And each time the body count had been getting bigger and bigger.

MI6 was apparently taking this quite personally and I couldn't blame them. This person was serious business, being linked to major crime organisations and the recent deaths of two separate kings.

And so, here Parker and I were. On an observe from afar-ish mission. To put a face, and hopefully a bit more information, on this growing international threat.

I wiggled around, trying to get comfortable as my legs continued to ache. "Stop looking at me."

"I can't help it, it looks like you're doing some kind of strange dance." Parker responded with a furrowed brow.

"My legs hurt."

"And here I was thinking you were pretending to be a snake."

I glanced over at Parker. "Hilarious." He gave me a toothy grin and I shook my head.

Parker then began shifting his weight over to his other foot, his legs clearly aching too, and I noticed his gun peaking out of his holster. I scowled for a moment and Parker noticed.

"What's up?" He said as his grin began to fade.

I jutted my chin towards his gun. "You preparing to shoot something?"

Parker placed his hand over the gun and gently slid it back down, securing it. "I just feel a bit off, like we should be more prepared for something to happen."

"I understand, but let's not get trigger happy. You only just got your gun licence back."

"You know that was an accident!" Parker said, a little louder than he probably should have. "I did not mean to shoot that guy."

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