Chapter 18

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She blew a puff of smoke into my face. "So sweetheart, how'd you become so popular?" I let out a cough at the smoke as I breathed it in. I tried my hardest not to look at her eyebrows whilst thinking of a response. They were so thin and so highly arched I couldn't help but think she didn't own a mirror. 

"Sorry what?" I finally responded, letting my eyes wonder to the reception where hopefully my fake ID was being printed. I'd been here for too long already and while I could trust their services to be discrete, their other customers were another story. 

She blew another cloud of smoke into my face and I tried not to lose my temper. "5 million is a lot of money, hunny." 

"I don't know what you mean." I scowled, leaning as far away from her as possible. 

The lady let out a laugh that quickly turned into a cough. "Sure you don't, hunny." 

Before I could respond, the lady returned signalling me over to the front desk. She carefully slid my new passport over to me and I gave it a quick look. Italian. Aged 26. Everything seemed to be fine. I pocked the passport and the lady disappeared back into her office before I could say thank you. I hurried from the building, giving the smoker a glare as I left. 

I was heading straight to America. I'd spent my entire morning in the corner of a local library, using their free computers. I used the microchip and searched through everything it held. It was mainly just the list of people, but there were so many. A lot of double agents. There was nothing on the wider picture, nothing on why they were trying to kill the monarchs of the world. Just the names and a few buildings they owned. 

I searched through the list, and found too many familiar names. And I decided my plan. Justina was dead and I could only imagine the disarray it had sent Dominic's way. Especially considering the bounty that was now on my head, not for the public but for trained mercenaries, other agents. It was a lot of money and it only indicated how annoyed he was. So, I opted to throw a further wrench in his plan, to put this rage somewhere. 

I was going to kill every last one of these people. I was going to everything I could to disrupt Dominic's plans, to be a growing thorn in his side and make him regret ever taking me. And America was the home of my first set of targets. 

I had to get out of England for awhile. And considering the real rat problem the CIA had, it made for the perfect next step. 

Upon arriving in New York, I went to visit the first familiar CIA name I'd found. Hugh James. We  worked together a year ago, a joint collaboration between MI6 and the CIA. He got on my nerves very quickly, even irritated Parker which was usually a hard task. He was a hard-headed, let the man do the man's job, low-life kind of guy. And now he was dead. 

I headed to the café that Mr James had informed me was his favourite breakfast shop when we first met. A minute into our mission together he suggested we go on a date there, to which I only scoffed. It was about 7am and I knew he'd be there, he told me as much. 

I found my way onto the roof of a building opposite the cafe and waited. Within the hour, Hugh arrived, he ordered and I waited. Minutes went by and he was clutching his donut and coffee as he went on his went. I tracked him as he scoffed his face and then eventually he turned down a narrow alleyway. 

I swung down from the roof and landed in front of him. "Hi Hugh." I said with a smile. His eyes widened as he choked on his coffee. "You should really be more careful."

Hugh let a smirk cross his face, no ounce of alert. How this man became an agent I had no clue. "Do I know you?" 

I stepped further into the light. "Wow, I change my hair colour and all of a sudden I am unrecognisable. I suppose I can't blame you, it was my job to be good at disguises."

His face then consorted as recognition flashed across his eyes. "Lexa?" He said with a smile that was about as fake as he was. "How are you, long time no see." 

I began to walk towards him. "I see the hairline is still struggling." 

Hugh let out a laugh but I knew he was hurt. The hats he used to wear to cover it everyday said as much. "So, what are you doing here?" His hands began to move to his side. "I heard you were in a spot of trouble."

"Oh, I thought I'd finally take you up on that date." Hugh's hand moved quickly then, but I was faster. I threw the knife I had hidden up my sleeve. It sliced through the air, stabbing into the palm of his hand. In shock he dropped his gun that he had just freed. "That's not very nice, you were going to shoot me?" 

Hugh only stared at his hand. The shock over taking him. 

I crept closer and Hugh didn't move. "I know your secret Hugh." 

Hugh seemed to wake up. He pulled the knife from his hand and snarled. "You stabbed me." He clutched my knife in his other hand. "You bitch." 

I almost laughed. "Aren't you going to ask what secret I know?"  Hugh stormed towards me, anger radiating from him in wave. "Guess we're over the talking stage then." Huge slashed at me, catching only air as I dodged. I caught his injured hand with my foot and he screamed, letting me disarm his other hand. "This is sad." 

"Don't worry." Hugh finally said. "I'll make sure to leave your pretty face untouched. Dominic has expressed his fascination for it over and over." 

"It's sweet you care." Were the only words I said as I swung again, the swing was careless. Hugh's words getting under my skin more than I cared to admit. He took advantage of my mistake and I received a heavy punch to my side. Keeping true to his word of avoiding my face. 

I felt the ache of my old injury and let out a wheeze. He moved to hit me there again but I jumped in time. I caught the overhanging bar of a set of stairs and used it to kick Hugh to the floor. He moved to grab his previously discarded gun but I stomped on his hand. He shouted again and I pushed his hand against the ground harder. 

"You're going to get what's coming for you." He seethed. 

I pulled out another knife. This scene feeling rather familiar. "I can't wait."

His death was quick. And I escaped the alley fast, leaving his body behind. It didn't take long for someone to discover it. I was already perched in  Hugh's favourite café, drinking coffee that was truly not worth the price when sirens rang down the street. 

I wiped the spot of blood from my finger. Dominic knew I was coming for him now. Justina's death was personal but this sent a message. An invite to a game. Who was going to catch who first.

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