Chapter 7

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The loud police sirens screamed into the night. The blue and red lights bled onto the white snow. My whole body tensed as I stared into the mirror on the side of the car and saw the police car pulling up next to us. 

Natasha's knuckles turned white as they gripped the steering wheel and I gave her a look demanding she remained calm. 

The policeman strutted up to the Natasha's window and tapped his finger against the glass. She wheeled it down and he leaned forward. "Из машины." -Out of the car-. He demanded, skipping any politeness. 

Natasha barely spared me a glance as she opened the door. She didn't close it behind her, allowing me to hear the conversation more clearly. I straightened my back in the car seat and moved my hand carefully to the door handle in preparation. 

"Мэм, вы понимаете, что превысили лимит на 20 миль в час?" -Ma'am, do you realise you were going 20mph over the limit?- The man stated and I heard Natasha let out an audible breath. 

Clearly neither of us thought that was going to be the reason for us being pulled over. I kept my face turned away from the policeman, not wanting to risk being recognised, knowing we were not out of the woods just yet. 

Natasha let out a strung together apology, as she attempted to find an excuse for her fast driving. Other than being uncomfortable with me sitting in the car next to her. 

The policeman started to berate her for speeding, but the wind started to pick up and I couldn't hear anything more. Eventually, Natasha stepped back into the car, her little face covered in an embarrassed blush as she clutched a piece of paper. The policeman was obviously not in the mood to let her off with a warning and instead she had been fined. 

I gave her a tight-lipped smile to show my support, to which she just narrowed her hooded eyes. She tried to move to close the door, when the policeman placed his hand in the way. He pulled the door back open and leaned in. "Не дай мне снова поймать тебя на превышении скорости." -Don't let me catch you speeding again-.

She gave her curt nod, wanting this over with, and I couldn't blame her. Time was ticking and the longer we spent with this man the higher my chances of being exposure were. The man seemingly satisfied with Natasha's shame, moved to let her close the door. 

But then something caught his eye and he stopped. "Ваши ноги." -Your legs- He said, shock coating his words. I snapped my head away, wanting to hide my face. "Что случилось?" -What happened?-

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Моя внучка приезжает ко мне в гости из Америки. Она поскользнулась на льду, она не привыкла к такой погоде." -My granddaughter is visiting me from America. She slipped over on some ice, she's not used to this weather-.

I smiled to myself at Natasha. She maybe had a future at MI6. "My russian is not хороший." -good-. I knew my terrible Russian accent would be convincing. My American accent on the other hand was impeccable.

I ran my fingers through my hair, suddenly hyperaware of my ragged appearance. "I am learning." 

"Oбучение." -Learning- The officer corrected, seemingly becoming convinced.

I nodded my head, still not looking in his direction. Natasha then turned on the engine in a convincing 'we want to leave now' manner. "Спасибо, for your help officer." -Thank you-

Natasha grumbled something under her breath, not agreeing with the sentiment. The policeman took the cue however and moved out of the way so Natasha could close the door. She slammed it promptly and went to close the window when the officer's radio suddenly lit up. A static voice came booming through it and he stepped back to listen. 

"Drive." I whispered to Natasha, hoping she could hear me. But she didn't move. "водить машину." -Drive- I repeated, my tone more urgent now.

But Natasha was frozen in place as the radio rattled off an alert. "Опасную женщину последний раз видели в Алексино. Каштановые волосы, зеленые глаза, светлая кожа. Подходите с осторожностью."  -Dangerous woman last spotted in Alexino. Brown Hair, green eyes, fair skin. Approach with caution-

I nervously swallowed and saw Natasha's eyes had grown to twice their size. I didn't know what to say. I only begged she'd keep quiet. 

"Откуда, ты сказал, ты ехал?" -Where did you say you were driving from?- The man asked, his hand moving to his side.

I knew it was over.

I tried to make eye contact with Natasha, hoping she'd understand that it was not as it seemed but she avoided my attempts. I wanted to scream that I wasn't a threat, that I had been set up. That she could trust me. But I knew it was no use. 

"Выйти из машины." -Out the car- The officer demanded, taking our silence as the answer he needed.

I sucked in a breath and placed my hand against my side, judging how much capability I had. I moved to open the door when I felt a shoulder gently place itself on my shoulder. I looked towards Natasha to see her eyes were filled with understanding. I knew if I asked her to drive now, she would. And I don't know what I'd done to deserve that trust. 

I smiled gratefully but shook my head. She understood and let her hand drop. I couldn't drag her into this. 

She reciprocated my smile, the first smile of hers that I'd seen and we acknowledged this as out final goodbye. Then with new found confidence, I stepped out of the car. 

Within seconds of slamming the door behind me, Natasha had rushed off. Her car screeching as she left. 

"Ты поймал меня." -You got me- I said with a feline smile. The man's face dropped as his hand rushed to his gun. I was quicker, I kicked his gun clean out of his holster, sending it flying across the snow.  

He panic and launched a clumsily punch my way, to which I causally stepped out of the way of. I grabbed his unzipped jacket and pulled with all my might, sending him tumbling towards me and my lifted knee. My knee collided with his stomach and he let out a wheeze. 

"Approach with caution." I reiterated not bothering to translate. "You should have listened." I slammed my elbow in his nose and pushed him aside as I made for his car. My pace was slow as I ran, my injuries and the cold were becoming too much. 

He was yelling loudly from behind me and I knew I wasn't gaining the distance I needed. Suddenly with all the brute force he could muster, I felt his whole body collide with mine. We collapse onto the floor and I let out a yell as my side was crushed under him. 

I pushed with all my might to get him off but I didn't have anything left in me. He pinned me down and mumbled something in Russian that I didn't bother trying to understand. The snow was melting around me and the wet was coating the jumper Natasha had kindly given me. 

I threw my head forward, connecting with his already bloody nose and he let out an irritated scream. The headbutt however, only seemed to daze me. He slammed his fist into the side of my head and I was helpless. The hit brought darkness to my vision and I knew I had no chance of escape. 

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