Worst Day Ever

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Last night I got Emily to Kuoh after Alfred dropped us off at my house. She fell asleep on the ride back so I had to carry her on my back when we landed. We got inside, laying her in my bed and since Lily fell asleep as well I had to carry her too. I carried both of them to bed, Lily to hers and Emily to mine while I fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes...is what you would expect but actually I woke up to the smell of smoke and two feminine shreeks. My eyes snapped open and I started to cough, getting off the couch I ran to the kitchen to see a very poor attempt to make breakfast so I grabbed the fire extinguisher and as its name suggest extinguished the 'breakfast'.

"Open up the windows!" I ordered and the 3 of us were rushing to open up the windows.

After all the windows were up I sighed and regretted it due to the still present smoke which in turn made me cough. We were all in the living room me as calmly as possible tried to address the situation "What happened" I said while 'trying' to get the burn marks off the frying pan, Emily spoke. "We tried to cook breakfast" then Lily spoke "But  we got distracted by a bird building a nest outside" I sighed "Next time watch the food" they look down disappointed.

"C'mon Emily we have to go to enroll you into school" Emily looked up "How long do we have to get there" I looked at the watch and saw we had 15 minutes to get there. I just nonchalantly shrugged but then panick started to settle in. I told Emily to hurry up and we were rushing to  get ready.

After we finished getting ready I told Emily to follow me to the backyard and grab my hand.

"W-what why?!" I glared at her "Just do It" 

She grabbed my hand and I concentrated. While rushing I was thinking if I could do that teleportation thingy with another person; time to test my hypothesis. I concentrated harder and I felt myself moving through the ground and then I felt the warm breeze.

I opened my eyes and looked towards the left since Emily grabbed my left hand and she was there. I was glad my hypothesis worked internally but I was also panicking inside.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" "Don't worry about it let's go"

We hurried to the inside the school and I lead her to the office "Make sure you get your time table it should also have a map of the school, ok?" she nodded her head then we both realised we were still holding hands, turned away and blushed. I sighed "Be careful" she nodded again and I began to leave.

I had 5 minutes to get to class so I picked up the pace a little  and managed to get there on time.

Time skip~ cause why not

I was in my second class when my teacher announce we  were going to have 2 new students you perked up a little to this. The teacher then called both the students to come in.

Emily and someone else walked in, to say I was shocked would be an overstatement I knew Emily would be in my class. Almost like someone wanted this to happen *ahem* any way the teacher told them to introduce themselves to the class and Emily went first.

"u-u-um I-I kind of f-feel uncomfortable about t-talking about m-myself" she had her head down the whole time she said that. "That's alright just go sit in the back next to Ms.Toujou" the teacher said and Koneko raised her hand.

"Do you also feel uncomfortable about talking about yourself Mr. Lane?" 

Lane? what a weird but somewhat familiar last name.

He answered the teachers question. "No" the teacher fixed his glasses "Well tell us about yourself" he stood there looking as like he was choosing his words carefully "My name is Liam Lane" he paused for a moment "I like challenges" he paused once more "And I hate him" he pointed to me.

I looked to my left, right and behind and pointed to myself  "Me?" he put his finger down .

"A-anyway please take a seat next to Ms. Dent" he walked down the aisle to his desk and we never broke eye contact until he passed my seat...I felt a sense of dread in the air when he passed.

"Ok class please take out your notes and textbooks from yesterday" everyone started to do so except for 3 people Liam and Emily obviously and me.

I forgot my textbook AND notes at home.

"Mr. Lillian?" I stiffened  "Y-yes?" "Your textbook and notes?" that's what I was afraid of all eyes were on me at this time including some that were boring the back of my head.

"I uh accidentally left them at home" I looked down out of embarrassment. The teacher blinked a couple of times and sighed heavily ."Just write them down now so you can copy it into the ones you left at home" he turned towards the other two "You guys don't worry about this as of now all you have to do is listen".

 He then continued the lesson 

The rest of the day kept F'ing me sideways (no homo) I could give you 5 of the worst things that happened to me.

1. Turns out I forgot most things for most of my classes at home 

2. Turns out that a couch isn't that comfortable to sleep on   

3. This Liam guy keeps glaring at me, when I try to confront him he's not there I don't even know what I did for him to  hate me

4.I forgot my lunch money so I didn't get anything to eat plus I didn't get chance to eat this morning

5. Sona had a meeting with the rest of her peerage and asked me to deliver some papers to Rias...does anything else need to be said

But it shouldn't be that hard all I'm doing is dropping off papers it shouldn't be that hard...

yeah right like i'll believe that

A/n: HELP I need new plant power ideas and i'll try to update every saturday

Plantzilla: 39%

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