The son of ivy

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A/n: that's what you look like

Darkness that is all I saw but soon I will come to the light, I'm Y/N the son of poison Ivy I have the same powers that she has I can control plants, and today I'm going to a new school  named kuoh academy, today I will be a new plant starting to bloom into a pretty rose but you have to remember roses have thorns.


"Y/N dear, my amazing rose it's time to go to kuoh academy" my mother said

"yes ma'am" I answered, my

name is Y/n and I'm going to a new school named kuoh academy to live a normal life, not in gotham city,  no it's filled with crooks and villains but not poison Ivy she helped with the fall of Gotham city at least that what she tells me. Know I know what you people are thinking 'How did poison Ivy give birth' well she didn't birth me she 'grew' me i was a little plant who needed attention but no one came. Until that one day she saw me and raised me as her own, over time I began to develop powers like hers and I started to train with these powers and handled them pretty well and that's how I got here then after a couple of days I started to call her mom. Now where at this point  me a rose going to a new school,
well time to go on a new adventure.

Timeskip to Y/n creating a new plant to play with

It was a long trip but I finally made it to kuoh town, why I say it was a long trip well I had to take a faery because Gotham was overseas, second  I had to take a plane to Tokyo lastly I had to get a taxi to kuoh town. Now I can rest in my house that my mother bought, sadly she couldn't come because she has to help batman but she did give me a seed she wanted to me to plant the seed and raise as my own so I followed her wishes. Now all I have to do is get registered in the academy but I needed rest so I will register tommorow. With that said I face planted first on the bed.

Timeskip to Y/n dreaming about batman kicking joker back in the circus

It was a sunny day outside  birds were chirping flowers were growing and inside a house we find a young man who is just now getting out of bed he yawned while stretching his arms, after a few minutes of laying down he remembers that he has to register so he got up and did his usual routine he  brushed his teeth but before he could do that he took a shower now he was finally ready to go he was leaving but not before he waters the seed his mother gave to him now he was ready, so he locked the door and left good thing he lived across the street from the school. He started to walk to the school and got to the gate as he stepped in he saw that all eyes were on him, there were mostly girls there so he assumed that it was an girl school until it changed so he ignored the stares and kept on walking

"AHHHH!" someone yelled

you looked around trying to find the source of the voice and you found the source runing towards you he had brown hair and what looked like a kuoh uniform with a red shirt underneath, the boy came near and ran behind me. I was confused at first then looked up and saw a bunch of girls holding I think was rulers

"Issie you know what you did come out behind him so we can give you for what you deserve!"

"YEAH!" all the girls yelled

"What happened?" I asked

"He peeped on us, he is a pervert!"

"Can you help me out please, I'll do anything!"

I looked at him confused  than at the girls then I had an idea

"Hey since I'm new can you help me out to the place I enroll" I asked him


I looked at girls and asked them that can I borrow him for a couple of minutes, then you can beat him, they were a bit hesatint. But they said yes so Issie helped me to the place I enroll the student  council  after a few minutes of discussion about like how old am I, I answered 17 any relatives obviously my mom and that was all the questions she had for me she handed me my schedule for class and a uniform for tomorrow and already I liked the , I can't wait for tomorrow "AHHHHH" yep totally going to like it.

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