Nothing like him

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last time we left off Rias wanted Y/N to join her peerage

  Rias: "I want you to join my peerage"

Y/N: "Eh" 

After Rias and the gang trespassed on to the sort of greenhouse of Y/N Rias suddenly asked Y/N to join her peerage.

But Y/N, obviously confused about the situation didn't know what to say so he asked what Rias meant by joining her 'peerage'.

Rias: "Well a peerage is basically a system that houses us as chess pieces an-" Rias was cut off suddenly by a burst of enormous laughter in the room, she looked around confused until her eyes landed on Y/N rolling in a fit of laughter.

Y/N: "S-So wait you want m-me to join a p-peerage that has to d-deal with c-chess pieces" Y/N continued laughing barely able to put a sentence together.

Y/N: "I barely know how to play checkers what makes you believe that I'm going to join your peerage. 

Rias: "W-Well I thought that b-by finding you and asking nicely y-you would join our f-family," Rias said with the most devil puppy dog eyes she could ever give.

That just made Y/N laugh even harder than before after calming down.

Y/N: "AHAAHAHAHAHA oh this just keeps getting better and better tell me another joke about the chess pieces" Y/N obviously was enjoying this.

Everything was going fine until someone had to open their perverted mouths.

Issei: "UGH Rias just forget about this clown and let's take him by force" then Issei rushed quickly to Y/N 

When Issei mentioned CLOWN Y/N was peeved. 

When Issei rushed he was quickly grabbed by a vine and thrown to the others they quickly caught Issei before harm could come to him.

Y/N: "Don't call me a clown I'm nothing like him nor will I ever be" 

Y/N suddenly grabbed the whole ORC in one vine tightening his grip around them, he got into Rias's face and snarled at her 

Y/N: "You shouldn't barge into people's home without knocking that's rude and about that offer, I don't feel like playing but thank you" Y/N said while chuckling a little.

Y/N focused his attention on Issei.

Y/N: "Next time you call me a clown a headache will be the less of your problems because I'm nothing like him"

Everyone was confused about his threat then they got their answer when he turned them upside down and banged their heads on the cold steel ground of the shack he then proceeded to YEET them out the shack into the night.

Y/N started to pace back and forth stuck on what Issei called him he needed to calm himself down then suddenly like that Y/N remembered that he was supposed to take Lily over to Gotham to show her to Poison Ivy the thing is though it would take him a long time to get there.

Y/N was thinking of the fastest route to get to his house with his eyes closed then when he finally figured the fastest way he opened his eyes and saw he was at his house he was confused as to how he got there so quickly.

But he had to figure that out later right now it was time to go to Gotham City but not right now he needs to go to his 'plant bed' and take a rest for tomorrow he and Lilly are going on a trip to Gotham City.

Vine whip: 30%

Highschool dxd x Poison Ivy's Son (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now